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         YEAR 2016-17 VOLUME No: 1

                                 This time, it’s Pro-India...

                                                          Cover Story
                                                          “Revolution of Agricultural Supply  8

                                                          Chain in India”

                                                          “Farmer suicides in the country spiked
                                                          by over 40 percent between the year
                                                          2014 and 2015, while 2014 saw 5,650
                                                          farmer  suicides,  the  figure  crossed
                                                          8,000 in 2015.   So let us understand
                                                          where are we going wrong?”


                                  SCM in agriculture 8
        Brexit: Impulse in Briton and Indian Trade 12
                   Defence Projects - A Risky Drive 14
                           Manufacturing Evolution 16
                           Safety Culture in Projects 18
                                         Nirmal Wari 20
                                    Internet of things 22
    Alliance Between E-commerse & Social Media 24

                                           Exclusive Interviews

   Rtn. TEJAS SURA                        R. BALAJI                       TUSHAR GODBOLE

   Managing Director at               Vice President, Tata          DGM – Global Program Management at
  Cubic Turnkey Pvt. Ltd.            Consultancy Services          GVR Fortive Corporation-Danaher Group
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