Page 10 - Procanvass
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           ndian Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in the economy of the country.  More than 60 percent
           people of the Indian population are involved in this sector, and the target of 8.5 lakh crore rupees of agricultural
           credit during the year 2015-16. Still the total share of agriculture & allied sectors in terms of percentage of GDP
        is around 18 percent.  Moreover farmer suicides in the country spiked by over 40 percent between the year 2014
        and 2015, while 2014 saw 5,650 farmer suicides, the figure crossed 8,000 in 2015.  So let us understand where
        are we going wrong?
        Indian Agriculture is one of the most important sectors   Marketing Committee) Act. APMC is a marketing board

        in the economy of the country.  More than 60 percent   established by a state government in India. There are
        people  of  the  Indian  population  are  involved  in  this   294  APMCs  in  the  state  which  function  as  per  the
        sector,  and  the  target  of  8.5  lakh  crore  rupees  of   Maharashtra   Agriculture   Produce   Marketing
        agricultural credit during the year 2015-16. Still the total   (Development  and  Regulation)  Act  1963  and
        share  of  agriculture  &  allied  sectors  in  terms  of   Maharashtra   Agriculture   Produce   Marketing
        percentage  of  GDP  is  around  18  percent.    Moreover   (Development and Regulation) Rule 1967.
        farmer  suicides  in  the  country  spiked  by  over  40
        percent between the year 2014 and 2015, while 2014   Each  state  which  operates  APMC  markets,
        saw 5,650 farmer suicides, the figure crossed 8,000 in   geographically divide the state and markets (mandis)
        2015.  So let us understand where are we going wrong?   are  established  at  different  places  within  the  state.
                                                         Farmers are required to sell their produce via auction at
        Indian Agriculture is highly an unorganized sector. No   the mandi in their region, Traders require licenses to
        systematic  organizational  planning  is  involved  in  the   operate within a mandi, Wholesale and retail traders
        different stages of value chain. Institutional finances are   (e.g.  shopping  mall  owners)  and  food  processing
        not adequately available and the minimum price fixed   companies cannot buy produce directly from a farmer
        by the government generally does not reach the poor   which was major drawback of current System.
        farmers. Exploitation by the middlemen is the reason
        put  forth  for  not  getting  the  best  price  for  the   Currently, Supply chain is dominated by Middle men -
        agricultural produce. Thus a platform is needed where   Wholesalers  present  in  APMC  market.  Demand
                                                         (Consumption)  Pattern  of  Products  are  Slightly
        the  farmers  can  directly  sell  their  products  at
        reasonable price in order to ensure that the farmers are   Predictable but Sales of Agricultural Product is highly
        not  exploited  by  intermediaries  (and  money  lenders)   unpredictable,  Fluctuation  of  prices  arise  due  to  this
        who compel farmers to sell their produce at the farm   unpredictability of demand-Supply. Adjoining diagram
                                                         describes  supply  of  Products  from  Farmer  to
        gate  for  an  extremely  low  price.  Agricultural  Supply
        chain System is such a platform which is regularized   Consumers.
        and  comes  under  APMC  (Agricultural  Product
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