Page 12 - Procanvass
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                                           APMC market having IT support with   Distribution center
                                           Computerized auction system & Ware-  (taluka or district level)
                 or hotels                  Housing facility for fruits & Vegetables  authorized by APMC
                                                                              which does information
                                                                              Packaging & inventory
                Distributers at local
                mandi’s authorized
                   By APMC                                                             Producer
                        rs                                                             Flow
                                                                                       Customer flow
          APMC  e-market  having  IT  support:  This  is  located   venture  of  Karnataka  government  and  NCDEX  Spot
          nearby  wholesalers,  retailers  &  consumers  in  urban   Exchange Limited and has emphasized the importance
          areas. This facility should be directly connected with 20   of  leveraging  technology  in  agriculture  marketing
          to 30 distribution centres (taluka or district level) and   system. The ReMS claims to offer complete technology
          distributers at local mandis in city areas authorized by   and management solution for modernizing markets in
          APMC  authorities.  Key  roles  of  e-market  are   state & operating the markets at par with international
          online/offline  financial  transactions  between  local   practices. The iAgriMarC APMC Management Software
          mandi  distributers,  supermarkets,  hotels  and  APMC   Suite is aimed at automating the entire Gate-to-Gate
          markets and directly transferring payment to farmer’s   operations  as  well  as  check-post  management  and
          bank account. According to market conditions, APMC   outside-mandi purchases of APMC mandi's. The base
          market knowledge center provides guidance in terms of   product  is  modeled  as  per  the  ‘Agriculture  Produce
          crop  selection  for  next  seasons.  Collect  demand  of   Markets Law’, 1961 passed by the central government of
          products from city distributors and send to farmers via   India.  The  unified  market  has  integrated  some  51
          distribution  networks  in  district  and  city  level  and   markets so far and aims at covering all the 155 main
          develop yearly pattern of demand for each agricultural   market  yards  as  well  as  354  sub-yards  of  Karnataka
          product, based on APMC data center which is having   state. From the day of launch (February 22, 2014), 7.5
          farmer’s  crop  production  data  and  consumption   lakh lots of trading has been done on the platform with
          pattern of products in cities.                   45  lakh  bids  being  made  with  total  transactions  on
                                                           platform of worth Rs. 15000 crore It has accommodated
          And last is Distributers at local mandi’s authorized   by
                                                           lakhs  of  farmers,  31473  traders  &  17149  commission
          APMC, this facility is located in cities and authorized by
                                                           agents for all the 92 regulated commodities.
          APMC  market.  Key  role  is  sending  weekly/  monthly
          forecasting demand pattern data for each agricultural   ‘Mathadi  Kamgar  Act’  is  eliminated  by  Maharashtra
          product of consumers in city of agricultural products to   state  government.  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi
          APMC  e-  market  data  center.  These  were  the   formally  launched  a  ‘National  Agriculture  Market’
          requirements  of  infrastructure  for  new  proposed   (NAM) portal on 13th April 2016, to enable 21 mandis
          design. Apart from this there are different government   across 8 states attempt e-trading on a pilot basis. The
          initiatives in agricultural product supply chain system.    chosen  mandis  will  be  able  to  connect  with  other
                                                           mandis within the same state, but not at a national level
          Recently, Karnataka government raised a major issue in
                                                           at the moment. These government initiatives support
          the  agricultural  marketing  sector  by  establishing
                                                           our proposed model.
     10   ‘Rashtria  e-Market  Services  Limited’  (ReMS),  a  joint
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