Page 15 - Procanvass
P. 15

Business interest of Respondents

         UK has always acted as a gate pass for Indian companies   UK and EU, there is an increased probability that the
         to access the European companies, it’s more because of   companies lower their IT budgets.
         the access to financial markets in London and ease of
                                                          Brexit is making it very hard for UK and other markets,
         doing  business  with  Europe,  from  UK.  India  has
                                                          UK’s credit rating has been cut, and given most buyers
         positive  trade  surplus  of  $3.64  billion  in  terms  of
         bilateral  trade  with  Britain.  The  total  trade  stood  at   of  the  bonds  are  from  the  EU  there  is  nervousness
         $14.02 billion in FY16, out of which $8.83 billion was in   around these bond issuances.
         exports and $5.19 was in imports.                This is important for India as it would be difficult to
                                                          imagine financing India’s huge infrastructure appetite
         The  uncertainty  following  Brexit,  The  pound  will
         depreciate against most major economies. India cannot   through  debt  finance  in  London  as  aggressively  as
         remain immune to this. Sensex and Nifty will tumble in   currently planned.
         the short-run.                                   Finally,  In  the  scenario  that  the  UK  does  actually
                                                          negotiate an FTA without labour movement weaved in
         For  Investment, India  is  presently  the  second  biggest
         source  of  FDI  for  Great  Britain.  UK  proved  to  be  a   as  one  of  its  essential  pillars,  the  stocks  of  EU
         gateway into the rest of Europe. Indian companies that   immigrants in the UK or Britons in the EU are unlikely
                                                          to  reduce  significantly  as,  withdrawal  from  a  treaty
         would set up their factories in the UK could sell their
                                                          releases the parties from any future obligations to each
         products to the rest of Europe under the European free
         market system. One can expect Britain to try extra hard   other  but  does  not  affect  any  rights  or  obligations
         to woo Indian companies to invest there by providing   acquired under it before withdrawal.
         much bigger incentives in terms of tax breaks, lesser   Rupee may depreciate because of the double effect of
         regulation and other financial incentives.       foreign fund outflow and dollar rise this will increase
                                                          petrol and diesel prices to an extent.      The government
         India  businesses  have  presence  in  a  wide  array  of
         sectors  in  the  UK  which  include  automobiles,  auto   then  may  want  to  reduce  additional  excise  duty
                                                          imposed on fuel when it was on a downward trajectory.
         components,  pharmaceuticals,  gems  and  jewellery,
                                                          This will increase fiscal deficit, unless revenue increased
         education and IT enabled services. Most of these sectors
         will be vulnerable to changes in demand and currency   Prices  of  gold,  electronic  goods,  among  others  will
         values. UK accounts for about 17% of India’s total IT   increase.
                                                          Cheaper rupee will make Indian exports, including IT
         exports, the risk of further moderation in growth in the
                                                          and IT enabled Services, competitive.

                                                                   Trishala Zende
                                                                   M.Tech. Project Management, VJTI

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