Page 20 - Procanvass
P. 20


          “I find that in common, routine nonconformity, mistake, misconduct, and disaster are
          systematically produced by the interconnection between environment, organizations,
          cognition, and choice”
                                                                                     -Diane Vaughan

                  afety is not a Management, It is a culture.” It should be top driven, driven down to the juniors. Aim of
                  safety and therefore the culture which grooms safety is to prevent incidents/accidents before they
                  happen. This requires awareness of Dos and Don’ts at all level. These dos and don’ts have to be
         unambiguous and have to be imbibed through appreciate polices. This can’t be enforced. This should be the core
         job of the leadership at all level i.e. PMOs/Sites etc.

         Recently inaugurated (June 2016) World’s longest and     Falls – 39.9%
         deepest  GOTTHARD  BASE  TUNNEL  in  Switzerland,     Electrocution – 8.2 %
         (delivered  on  budgeted  time  and  money)  have  been     Struck by object – 8.1 %
         reported  with  9  labours  dead  during  construction.  It     Caught-In/between* – 4.3 %
         was one amongst the longest running projects, which     Others – 39.4
         almost took 17 years for completion. UNITED STATES   (*This  category  includes  construction  workers  killed
         DEPARTMENT  OF  LABOUR  reported  with  4821    when  caught-in  or  compressed  by  equipment  or
         workers  killed  in  2015(3.4  per  100,000  full-time   objects,  and  struck,  caught,  or  crushed  in  collapsing
         equivalent workers) — on average, more than 92 a week   structure, equipment, or material)
         or more than 13 deaths every day.  Out of this, 20.5%
                                                         If you find these number quite high then you are in a
         were in construction-that is, one in five worker deaths
                                                         big trouble. Comparing these numbers with casualties
         last year were in construction. The leading causes of
         private  sector  worker  deaths  (excluding  highway   in  INDIA  will  make  you  stunned.  The  deaths  at  a
         collisions)  in  the  construction  industry  were  falls,   construction site in the year 2014 in India was reported
         followed by electrocution, struck by object, and caught-  approx. 37,514. This is really a huge count. Since the
                                                         construction sector is the most vulnerable segments of
         in/between equipment or machines. These "Fatal Four"
         were  responsible  for  more  than  half  (60.6%)  the   the unorganised labour in India, safety culture is matter
         construction worker deaths.                     of  concern.  It  is  estimated  that  about  165  per  1000
                                                         workers get injured in the construction sector.

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