Page 22 - Procanvass
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NIRMAL WARI – “पाऊले चालती पंढरीची वाट ”

                                           (Feet walking the pathway to Pandharpur - a sacred place Hindus)

       C                                                locations  and  the  government.  This  scenario  can  be
             hanting this verse while dancing and rejoicing
             to  the  rhythmic  beats  of  cymbals  and  the
                                                        avoided by providing toilets & creating awareness about
             'Mridangam',  millions  of  Warkari  (pilgrims)
       reach Pandharpur. Pandhapur is a temple town situated   the hazards of open defecation among them.
                                                        Noticing  the  current  scenario  ‘Seva  Sahayog
       on the banks of river Chandrabhaga. Every year, on the
       occasion of Aashaadhi Ekadashi, Warkari clans start on   foundation’,  the  NGO  along  with  Rashtriya
       foot  towards  Pandharpur  to  have  a  glimpse  of  their   Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has started a public project
       beloved lord Vitthal-Rukhmini.                   ‘Nirmal Wari’ to deal with this severe problem of open
                                                        defecation.  ‘Nirmal  Wari’  drive  is  about  providing
       There are two main ‘Palakhis’ which are always a centre   portable  toilets  to  mass  gathering  during  annual
       of attraction, ‘Tukaram Maharaj Palakhi’ from Dehu to   Pandharpur  Wari  &  get  volunteers  help  to  ensure
       Pandharpur  consisting  nearly  1,68,000  Warkari  and   proper usage of toilets. Main goal of this project is to
       ‘Dnyaneshwar  Maharaj  Palakhi’  from  Alandi  to   avoid pollution caused due to open defecation and to
       Pandharpur consisting nearly 2,80,000 Warkari. They   augment the use of toilet among pilgrims. For this Seva
       cover more than 300 Kilometres distance on foot in 21-  Sahayog Foundation has taken an initiative of deploying
       day  journey,  which  includes  sojourns  at  predefined   toilets at wari halt locations and conducting awareness
       locations.  The  provision  of  food  is  made  by  the  clan   campaigns  about  hazards  of  open  defecation  during
       itself and partly by other devotees through donations.   pilgrimage.
       The  Government  of  Maharashtra  has  ensured  the
       sufficient  availability  of  water  and  electricity.  The   In  2015,  Seva  Sahayog  conducted  a  pilot  project  for
       Government also provides open and reserved plots for   providing  400  portable  toilets  at  ‘Loni’  &  ‘Yawat’  in
                                                        Pune  district  which  fall  on  the  route  of  ‘Tukaram
                                                        Maharaj  Palakhi’.  1500  Seva  Sahayog  volunteers
       During halts, the Warkari s have no option to defecate   proactively  helped  to  promote  use  of  toilets  and
       in open space due to unavailability of public toilets. Post   monitored  cleanliness.  This  project  was  successful  in
       Wari, 33 destinations are affected by open defecation   serving  its  purpose  as  Warkari  readily  used  portable
       which  leads  to  pollution  and  multiple  waterborne   toilets. Due to this maiden effort, in 2016 request was
       diseases.  Due  to  this  situation  people  living  in  these   made  to  Government  of  Maharashtra  for  funding
       villages vacate their place for 10 to 15 days. The main   portable toilets.
       stakeholders of wari are Warkari s, dwellers of wari halt

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