Page 23 - Procanvass
P. 23

Noticing the effectiveness of pilot project, Government   halt  station  to  another  before  Warkaris  reach  next
         of Maharashtra has taken an initiative under ‘Namami   destination.  Another  challenge  was  transfer  and
         Chandrabhaga’ scheme to install portable public toilets   processing  of  slurry  collected  through  these  toilets
         at  each  halt  on  both  ‘Palakhi’  routes.  After  multiple   which includes solid waste, urine. Total slurry collected
         follow up meetings with Government officials, Finance   was  18,06,000  litres  on  Tukaram  Maharaj  Palakhi
         minister  and  Chief  minister  of  Maharashtra  have   route,  24,80,000  litres  on  Dnyaneshwar  Maharaj
         approved a funding of  ₹ 2.04 crore for Nirmal Wari.    Palakhi route and 18,00,000 litres at Pandharpur. For
                                                          processing  slurry  enzymes  were  used  which  degrade
                                                          the  slurry  upto  10%.  To  mitigate  these  risks,  they
                                                          selected a supplier who can install minimum 3 sets of
                                                          toilets. All these need to be stationed at least 1 day prior
                                                          to wari reaching next destination. Lack of volunteers
                                                          may result in open defecation therefore Seva Sahayog
                                                          urges  young,  enthusiastic  and  dynamic  volunteers  to
                                                          increase their participation in such kind of projects.

                                                          After  departure  of  Palakhi  from  a  halt,  disinfectants
                                                          were sprayed at each location due to which people of
                                                          those villages were not affected by any harmful odour.

                                                          Mr. Tukaram Kaloke, former Sarpanch of village Dehu
          It was decided to provide toilets at each halt stations i.e.   added, “During Wari period, villagers from Dehu left
         at 15 stations on the route of ‘Tukaram Maharaj Palakhi’   their  village  for  15  days  as  there  was  unhygienic
         and 17 stations on the route of ‘Dnyaneshwar Maharaj   environment  due  to  open  defecation.  But  this  time,
         Palakhi’  including  Pandharpur  devasthan.  Project   when  villagers  returned  post  wari,  the  village  was
         includes 7 months of planning by core team along with   totally clean. About 800 volunteers from Seva Sahayog
         survey at 33 halt locations conducted by volunteers of   Sangh  and  RSS  were  working  under  ‘Nirmal  Wari’
         Seva  Sahayog  Foundation.  According  to  this  project,   Abhiyan.” Chief Minister of Maharashra, Mr. Devandra
         500 toilet units were provided at each halt station on   Fadnavis tweeted, “We have succeeded in ‘Nirmal Wari’
         Dnyaneshwar  Maharaj  Palakhi  route  and  300  toilet   because  of  many  steps  taken  by  administration.  My
         units at Tukaram Maharaj Palakhi route and 1000 toilet   heartfelt thanks to all who made it possible.”
         units at Pandharpur temple premise. Care was taken
         that toilets be at convenient locations with appropriate   There are certain areas to be improved regarding this
         light arrangements, adequate water supply and clean   project which includes additional transport facilities of
                                                          slurry and better plan for slurry processing. For Slurry
         up service. Training of volunteers and government staff
         for actual deployment and maintenance of toilets was   processing plants, the concept of Zero Discharge Toilets
         done. Volunteers actively participated in this drive and   (ZDT) can be used. ZDT makes use of urine diverting
                                                          toilets  which  helps  in  separating  urine  from  faecal
         requested  Warkaris  to  use  these  toilets  by  creating
                                                          matter. Further urine can be treated to make fertilizers
         awareness  among  them  through  ‘kirtans’,  rangolis
         about  cleanliness  and  use  of  toilets.  Warkaris  also   whereas faecal matter can be treated to make vermi-
         supported the drive and gave successful response. This   compost.
         resulted in, 2016 Wari being called as a ‘Nirmal Wari’   Let all of us make our little contribution towards this
         (Pure and Clean journey).                        project  to  fulfil  our  honourable  Prime  Minister  Mr.

         Project  consists  of  30%  permanent  toilets  and  70%   Narendra  Modiji’s  dream  of  “पहले  शौचालय,  फिर
         temporary  toilets.  The  major  challenge  for  the   देवालय” (First toilet, then temple) by chanting the verse
         volunteers was to transfer temporary toilets from one   of, “पाऊले चालती स्वच्छतेची वाट!!”

                                                                  Aniket Bhosle & Mohini Jalekar
                                                                  M.Tech. Project Management, VJTI
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