Page 19 - Procanvass
P. 19

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is another   Today,  we  cannot  imagine  management  in
          key  milestone  in  the  evolution  of  the  manufacturing   manufacturing unit without software applications such
          industry. It came into the picture during the 1970s and   as MES, SCADA, ERP, DCS and MRP. These are critical
          1980s. ERP bought more management element into the   tools  for  every  leading  manufacturing  based
          play.  ERP  has  extensive  functionality  and  areas  of   organization.
          implementation.  ERP  integrates  different  functional
          areas  of  an  organization  like  accounting,  inventory,   Information Technology has made a huge changeover
                                                           in  the  manufacturing  industry  during  past  three
          human resource, sales, marketing, purchase,  finance,
                                                           decades.  Today,  manufacturing  based  leading
          engineering/  production,  supply  chain  management,
          customer  relationship  management  and  much  more   organizations spend a major chunk of investments in
          under the same umbrella. Even today ERP  system is   the field of computer applications. Many core hardware
                                                           based  organizations  B&R  Automation,  Siemens,  LnT
          considered  as  a  key  ingredient  to  manage
                                                           and  Rockwell  Automation  have  developed  specialized
          manufacturing  or  any  other  organization.  A  German
          organization  SAP  SE  is  a  well-known  brand  for  ERP   MES  systems.  Global  MES  market  was  valued  $7.63
          systems. While talking about ERP; we cannot ignore the   billion in 2015 and it is projected to be worth $18.22
                                                           billion by the year 2022. This hybrid market is at peak
          name SAP SE, which was established in 1972, playing a
                                                           of  its  growth  today  and  considered  as  a  major
          vital  role  in  the  development  of  enterprise  software
          since then.                                      contributor  of  the  manufacturing  industry  in  the
                                                           development of India and projected growth rate of this
          But if we talk about the plant management, ERP fails in   hybrid industry. It is very tempting field of work for any
          certain   aspects.   Plant   management   demands   project  manager,  who  would  like  to  explore  new
          instantaneous reporting and recording of every single   horizons and to be a part of manufacturing evolution.
          transaction  on  the  shop  floor.  In  the  late  1980s,
          manufacturing  organizations  started  to  customize   It  is  in  human  nature  to  get  more  and  more  out  of
                                                           everything. Bill Watterson in one of his comic strip of
          niche  ERP  system  from  the  perspective  of  plant
                                                           Calvin and Hobbes says “When you get something it’s
          management.  After  many  modifications  in  the  early
          1990s,  we  developed  MES  system.  In  1992,  AMR   new and exciting. When you have something, you take
          Research  implemented  first  MES  (Manufacturing   it for granted and it’s boring. But everything you get
                                                           turns into everything you have.” Similar is the situation
          Execution System). The MES bridges the gap between
                                                           with  the  manufacturing  industry.  We  will  always  be
          the  planning  system  and  the  controlling  system.
          Continuous technological advancements in the field of   looking  for  more  efficient,  better  quality,  less  costly
          SCADA  (Supervisory  Control  and  Data  Acquisition),   ways to produce products and thus, the manufacturing
                                                           industry will be forever evolving.
          DCS (Distributed Control System) and ERP have made
          MES a very effective tool for plant management.

            Comic Strip © Bill Watterson

                                                                    Sachin Ghongade
                                                                    M.Tech. Project Management, VJTI

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