Page 26 - Procanvass
P. 26
egardless of the business domain, companies must focus on quickness, efficiency, and consumer value to
be globally competitive, and the long-term performance of any organization depends on their commitment
to continuous improvement in the business practices.. Now a days due to knowledge sharing and
integration lot of thigs are communised in many organizations. So achieve efficiency, speed and effectiveness in
organization is not big deal. The main challenge is “acquire the market”. To acquire the market we need customer.
So it is very necessary to gain customer, maintain that same customer and keep nice relationship with old
customers also.
When we think to grab new customer it is more important that our final product/services reach to the new
customer. Until and unless customer don’t know our product then how will they buy? Generally if any product
came in the market every one following same mythology which make a difference. Few organization know why
they are doing? Why their product exist in the market. For an example any mobile company. If they want to market
their product they will adopt following way:
Generally every company go to customer tell them, what we are doing?
Then what is
•we make great •How is our phone?
phone What we are •simple to use Do you want
Doing ? We are featured, having
mobile touch screen, wifi, to buy?
Manufacturing mp3, durable, very
company, Produce handy, light weight,
phone etc....
Customer’s Reply May
Organization will get success only if they know, why they are doing it.
Instead of telling what and how we are doing, company needs to tell
about why these product exist in the market? Why their company
exist? For an example Apple Inc. never tells customer, what they are
doing? But they do tell why they are doing? i.e. everything we do
believe in challenging the things. We believe in thinking differently.
Our product is beautifully design, simple to use do you want to buy?
People never buy what you do they why you do. Apple is the best
example to understand this strategy to grab the customer. Everyone
knows apple produce featured things. Why the apple is so innovative.
They having same power and resources. This is power key for the
Apple like company.
But you must have something to sell, how you make it known to
your potential buyers?
Share of online customers have increased rapidly in past few years i.e.
e-commerce. Everything is available just a click away. We know E-
Commerce means any form of transaction or exchange of
information for commercial purposes in which the parties interact Customer
using information and communications technology (ICT). That is, the
distribution, sale, marketing and delivery of information about
products or services over the Internet.