Page 11 - Procanvass
P. 11
Purchaser or kaccha
APMC market with Warehousing, End Purchaser or
Supermarket or Packing, grading facility for fruits & pakka vyapari
hotels Vegetables
Wholesaler/ Middle man
Producer flow
Distributers at
Local mandi’s Customer flow
There are certain shortcomings in current supply chain Panchayat/village level information centre: It is
system such as high commission, taxes and levies, accessible to local farmers and facilitated by internet
monopoly of APMC, conflict of interests, entry barriers connectivity, human resources for data entry and
(license fees in these markets are highly prohibitive), updating. This facility should be directly connected with
cartelization (often agents in an APMC get together to distribution center (taluka or district level). Key role in
form a cartel and deliberately restrain from higher supply chain network is gathering of information about
bidding). Unpredictability of demand-supply, crop production from local farmers, process data, and
monopoly of middle man- wholesaler, unavailability of segmentation of data according to crop type and
cold storage & IT infrastructure in APMC area, sending to distribution network & updating regularly
unavailability of packing facility/infrastructure near on portal. Taking information from distribution centre
farmers are major drawbacks of current system. (taluka or district level), APMC market portal and
sharing it with farmers by using message updates.
To build an efficient supply chain system integration of
Information Technology (IT), Mobile Connectivity and Distribution centre (taluka or district level): It is
Digitization of current system is essential and very accessible to panchayat/village level information centre
important for increasing influence of farmers & and APMC central data center. This facility should be
consumers in the system, so middle man’s power will directly connected with APMC central data center and
get minimized. Development of IT system, online and 40 to 60 panchayat/village level information centres
other infrastructural facilities in network of system which are located nearby to DC. Farmers submit
requires finance, which can be developed by agricultural products in these centers but money
collaboration between State government and CSR transaction in exchange of products in farmers account
activities of major companies. is transferred from APMC e-market center only. Key
role in supply chain network is grading, packaging,
For a proposed new distribution network of supply
inventory management and transportation of products
chain system infrastructure must be present at different
from dc to APMC market, data updating, coordinating
locations of Supply chain i.e. Village level, District level,
information, product and finance between village level
APMC e-market level and City Distributor’s level. For
and APMC market centers
avoiding shortcomings of current system, proposed
design of distribution network of Agricultural Product
Supply Chain System must be incorporated with -