Page 13 - Procanvass
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But with the every new idea comes the new challenges. will emerges in village areas. Cold storage and efficient
There are certain challenges in implementation of data flow system helps to decrease wastage of
Proposed Distribution Network in India. Development perishable goods. According to calculations, after
and searching of financial sources for infrastructural paying all APMC e-market and distribution center
development and facing union reactions opposing maintenance tax; farmers earn 100% to 150% profit on
implementation of proposed model are major production cost.
challenges. Unknown risk factors in implementation
Solution for Agri value chain challenge in not merely
and execution of proposed system must be identified at
more investment but in truly “unlocking & enabling”
initial level (feasibility study). Farmers and customers
the investments that has already been made over the
must be educated about features of new system.
years and bringing focus on improving the efficiency of
Accurate collaboration of IT, transport, storage,
what has already been created. This sector already has
financial transaction, information transaction decides
billion of rupees grossly underutilized investments. The
efficiency of supply chain.
plight of farmers in India demands to “needle” the
If these challenge are overcomed then the benefits and various factors into a single thread that would provide
economy growth will be much larger. First major end-to-end solutions for efficient market and better
benefit is generating employment in district and village price discovery for producer, processor and consumer
level for managing distribution centers at village and and develop efficient “Agri Value Chains”, which may
district level. Food packaging industry will be developed ultimately create a “hunger free & properly nourished”
in village areas. Cold storage maintenance, goods India.
handling (hamals), IT system, and various other jobs
Nikhil Gudulkar
M.Tech. Project Management, VJTI