Page 36 - MAGICS ANUAL REPORT 2015-16
P. 36



              erala state of south India is considered as the God's own country and has one of the best
              healthcare indicators in the country. As a result, the average life expectancy of a Kerala citizen is
       Kmuch higher than the national average and has resulted in 13% of its population above the age of
       60 years against 9% nationally as per 2011 census. Taking care of the older persons, also with multiple
       medical  /  health  problems  that  they  have  acquired  during  their  life  course  will  be  the  single  most
       challenge that we are going to face. It is also observed that the healthcare expenditure of older citizens
       are quite high now which is expected to be rising. This situation is quite significant in view of the changed
       family structure and socio-economic profile of Kerala population. Responding to the needs of the ageing
       population, we have to restructure our healthcare system. Hospitals, both in Government sector as well
       as in the private should take appropriate measures to enhance their geriatric care capabilities to take
       care of older persons in their institutions as well as in the community.

       Age-friendly strategy

       The strategy of the Age-friendly hospital would have the following elements
       Ÿ Hospital management policy for older persons
       Ÿ Communication and services
       Ÿ Physical environment
       Ÿ Emotional and behavioral environment
       Ÿ Ethics in clinical care
       Ÿ Process of care
       Ÿ Continuous Monitoring and improvement
       Expected outcome or the intentions of the strategy are to ensure -
       Ÿ Improved outcome (Short and long term) of patients
       Ÿ Appropriate use of acute care resources
       Ÿ Improved patient satisfaction
       Ÿ Support and improve satisfaction of care-givers / family
       Ÿ Enhanced job satisfaction and morale of the care providers
       Ÿ Promotion of age-friendly hospital concept within the community and be a model for the state and
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