Page 31 - MAGICS ANUAL REPORT 2015-16
P. 31
More than hundred students
and staffs filled Melicious Hall to
inaugurate the first age friendly college of the nation .
Invited guests consisted of Honourable District collector of
Ernakulam.M.G .RajaManikam I A S, M.C Dileep Kumar , vice
Chancellor of Shree Shankaracharya University, Rev.Fr. Jose ,Vice
Principal f Shc. Mrs. Elsa counsellor, Professor Rajesh James Staff
secretary head, Dr.Praveen Pai and Balu James ,Magic coordinator.
Freshers Day
Freshers day of the first batch ( June - September) of Age friendly was held on....
Much awaited programme of the year, went well. Various programmes were conducted to make the
elderly people feel home. Highlight of the day was dance conducted by 1st year students.
The programme was held in Marian Hall
The other programmes include Drama, Group song ,skit . The efforts of the students teachers together
turned out to be a grand success. Chief Guest of the day was Vice Principal , Sacred heart college.
Classes are being held regularly. The involvement of both students (elderly people) and teachers
(college students) help the great project to succeed eminently. Classes are being conducted in such a
way that, for one student , one teacher is allotted ie 1:1 ratio. The classes are held at the Chavara IT
Centre of the college.
The lab can accommodate 60 students at a time and computer for each and every one..The strength of
the class include 58 students. The eldest member of the class, ie Chandramathiyama a 90 year old
resident of Fort - Cochin.
The whole class is conducted under the supervision of Abin, programme Coordinator, Mrs.Rajitha ,
HOD of Bsc.Computer Application.
The whole credit goes to Harikrishnan Jayan of 2nd Bcom CA who takes the initiative of the class.
Along with the academics a day was spent for entertainmnet. Students were taken out for a
movie with the student-teachers to Padma theatre on ........ They had a good time together.
Future Plans
The future plan of the academic year is to conduct onam celebrations, f a r e w e l l o f t h e
present batch , and to organise medical camps and leisure trips for
them. Next batch will begin from October.
And other programmes of the year
include a three day camp for
the less fortunate
children .