Page 33 - MAGICS ANUAL REPORT 2015-16
P. 33
ge friendly project was started with the
consultation meet with the former
AKerala State Social Justice Minister
Mr. M K Muneer give date 13th August 2015
after all the consultation meet in the state
Social Justice Department given permission
to the District Panchayat of Ernakulam to
start the project Age-Friendly cities, in the
district with the technical association of VPS
lakeshore and given the implementation
duty to the Non-Governmental Organization
MEET n the beginning of the Age-Friendly
project for the smooth function of the
Iproject. There is a meeting with all the
government departments are arranged
o n 4 t h S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5 . 2 8
departments where present in the
meeting and all department are informed
officially and offered all support and
helps for the project