Page 33 - rz brand guide
P. 33
The pillars of the RedZone brand represent what you stand for, and what differentiates you. Each pillar is critical to the full expression of your brand. Each contains
three supporting elements of your story and approach. Together, these give you brand messages that differentiate your value from everyone else.
Inspiration Variety Efficient/Effective
Supporting Guidance Value Holistic
Community Personal Innovative
Human Individual Epic
RZ experiences results
brand potential
pillars, and why One size does not fit all. No We provide the most effective
they matter We believe everyone has the
potential to live their best matter what body, shape, and efficient, science-backed
lives—healthy and strong. age, ability—we start where a workouts for maximum
Our customers must know person is. Our customers will results in minimum amounts
we believe in them, and we’re have their own meaningful, of time. Our customers know
there for them. personal breakthroughs. they will be changed.