Page 12 - ProgrammaticDisplay LSM WL
P. 12
Targeting options
Frequency Target ing: Behavioral Target ing: IP Target ing:
Control frequency, limiting or Target consumers based on Target a user based their
increasing the number of their behavior and tracked computer location.
times your ad is viewed. interest online.
Cont ent Target ing: Demographic Search Ret arget ing:
Only interact with a user Target ing: Target a user based their
interested/viewing Target a specific age, keyword searches..
content relevant to the income and/or gender
target consumer. when trying to reach your
Day Part ing: Geographic Target ing: Sit e Ret arget ing:
Control when a user Target a user based on Target a user based being
is able to see your their location, available at on previously visiting your
sale message. zip, city, state, country website.
and radius. Custom geo
fencing also available.
*Mobile targeting may have limited scale and/or availability.