Page 40 - CASA Bulletin 2019 Vol 6 No 4
P. 40

CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology

                                                                                        DOI: 10.31480/2330-4871/093
                 or central canals, facet disease after lumbar fixation, or   the indication of FBSS or post-laminectomy syndrome.
                 pain from a persistent surgical scar. These patients typ-  The  search  was  conducted  using  PubMed,  Ovid  and
                 ically do not experience much improvement with mul-  MEDLINE.  MeSH  terms  included  [“failed  back  surgery
                 tiple conservative therapies such as oral medications,   syndrome” AND neuromodulation], [neuromodulation
                 physical  therapy,  and  various  injections  even  prior  to   AND  FBSS],  [“failed  back  surgery  syndrome”  AND
                 the back surgery. In these cases, persistent pain after   “spinal  cord  stimulation”],  [FBSS  AND  “spinal  cord
                 back surgery can be exponentially difficult to manage.  stimulation”],  and  [“spinal  cord  stimulation”  AND
                   In  this  paper,  we  will  systematically  review  the   “post-laminectomy  syndrome”].  Studies  published
                 scientific evidence behind spinal cord stimulation with   between 1991 and 2018 were included. A total of 677
                 a  focus  on  patient  selection  considerations  for  the   studies were identified through a PubMed search. Four
                 indication of failed back surgery syndrome.   more studies were identified through the citations of
                                                               relevant  aforementioned  studies.  The  studies  were
                 Methods                                       further narrowed by screening for clinical studies and
                 A) Search Strategy                            removing duplicates. After applying the stated inclusion
                                                               and  exclusion  criteria  and  removing  two  studies  with
                   A  literature  search  was  conducted  by  the  authors
                 to  identify  randomized  controlled  trials  and  matched   missing data, 11 studies were ultimately included in our
                                                               analysis (Figure 1).
                 cohort-control studies analyzing the efficacy of SCS for

                                    Records identified through      Additional records identified
                       Identification     (n = 677)                         (n = 4)
                                                                      through other sources
                                      database searching

                       Screening                       Records screened               Records excluded
                                                           (n = 681)
                                                                                         (n = 647)

                       Eligibility                   Full-text articles assessed   Full-text articles excluded,
                                                                                       with reasons
                                                          for eligibility
                                                                                         (n = 23)
                                                           (n = 34)
                                                                                  n = 21 did not meet inclusion/
                                                                                  exclusion criteria
                                                                                  n = 1 was a proposal paper with
                                                                                  results promised in a following

                                                       Studies included in        n = 1 did not have published
                                                      qualitative synthesis
                       Included                        (systematic review)
                                                           (n = 11)

                                      Figure 1: Flowchart of identified studies through a PubMed search.

                   Transl Perioper & Pain Med 2019; 6 (3)                                        • Page 82 •
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