Page 3 - NYMets_2018_Benefits_Guide
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                                                   Welcome to the Sterling Mets, LP Benefits Program! Your benefits
                                                   are an important part of your overall total compensation at Sterling Mets,
                                                   LP (also known as “the Organization”). We offer you a comprehensive
                                                   and competitive benefits program giving you the flexibility to choose the
                                                   coverage that is right for you and your family.
                                                   We know the world of benefits may seem a bit daunting, complex or even
                                                   confusing especially if this may be your first time electing benefits for
                                                   yourself. It is OK. We are here to help. While this guide provides a basic
                                                   overview of the benefits available and you can get more information
                                                   through other resources, you can also contact Human Resources with
                                                   any specific questions you may have.

                                                   Be sure to take the time to review this guide and learn more about your
                                                   coverage options. You should also review additional benefit information
                                                   available to you such as benefit summaries and the Summary of Benefits
                                                   and Coverages (SBCs) for each medical plan option. All detailed benefits
                                                   information is available on the ADP benefits portal.

                                                   Remember! If you have any questions, contact Human Resources at

                                                   Bring it home with benefits.

           Round the Bases in Good Health
           At Sterling Mets, LP, we encourage everyone to live a healthy lifestyle.

           As you round the bases in life, it is important to eat well, be active, get plenty of rest and balance work
           and personal life.

           It can be challenging to hit a home run in health and sometimes you may feel like you are striking out.
           Remember to simply step up to the plate, take a swing and round the bases at your own pace. It is your
           game. When you live well, you win!
           To help you, we have included a Highmark BCBS Healthy Tools & Resources section. See page 12 for
           more information or click here to go directly to that page.

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