Page 6 - NYMets_2018_Benefits_Guide
P. 6


        You are eligible for benefits if you are an active, regular   What Happens if you do not enroll yourself &
        full-time employee of Sterling Mets, LP regularly scheduled   dependents when first eligible
        to work at least 35 hours per week and not covered by a    If you do not enroll yourself and your dependents when first
        Collective Bargaining Agreement.                           eligible, you will need to wait until the next annual enrollment

        Your benefits become effective on the date as outlined in the   period, unless you experience a qualifying life event. See
        Your Benefits: Quick Stats charts on pages 2 and 3.        Making Changes During the Year outlined below for more
        Your dependents are eligible for coverage on the same date
        as you. Eligible dependents include your:
                                                                   Making Changes During the Year
        Ÿ   Legal spouse/domestic partner (same or opposite sex)
                                                                   The IRS requires that elections for benefits paid for on a pre-
        Ÿ   Children up to age 26, including stepchildren, foster   tax basis remain in effect for the full plan year. However, the
          children and adopted children                            IRS permits mid-year changes within 30 days of a qualifying life
                                                                   event. Examples of qualifying life events are:
        Ÿ   Disabled child of any age (with documentation) who is
          dependent on you for support due to a mental or physical   Ÿ  Your marriage, divorce, legal separation or annulment,
          handicap that occurs before reaching age 26
                                                                     Ÿ   The birth of your baby, or adoption or placement of a child
                                                                     with you for adoption, or another change in the number of
                                                                     your dependents,

                                                                     Ÿ  The death of a dependent,
                                                                   Ÿ   Your dependent’s eligibility or ineligibility for coverage
                                                                     (e.g., he or she reaches the plan’s eligibility age limit),
                                                                     Ÿ   A change in work location or home address for you, your
                                                                     spouse or your dependents,
                                                                   Ÿ   A change in coverage of your spouse or your dependent
                                                                     under another plan,

                                                                   Ÿ   Your qualification for a special enrollment under the
                                                                     Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
                                                                     Ÿ   A court order received by the plan, such as a Qualified
                                                                     Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO), or
                                                                     Ÿ   You, your spouse or your dependent’s qualification for
                                                                     Medicare or Medicaid.
                                                                   Your change must be consistent with your change in status
                                                                   (e.g., you can add your new baby to your health care coverage,
                                                                   but you cannot change plans).
                                                                   If you need to make an election change during the year or
                                                                   have questions about what constitutes a life status change,
                                                                   contact Human Resources.

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