Page 9 - NYMets_2018_Benefits_Guide
P. 9


                                            terms you should know

        In the case of family coverage, benefits  for any individual
        covered family member will not be payable at 100% until
        the entire family total maximum out-of-pocket has been        decoding benefit acronyms
        satisfied. Once the entire family total maximum out-of-pocket
        is satisfied, claims will be reimbursed at 100% of the allowance   Ÿ  AD&D Accidental Death & Dismemberment
        for covered expenses for the family, regardless of whether the   Ÿ  EAP Employee Assistance Program
        individual deductible, individual out-of-pocket and individual
        total maximum out-of-pocket have been satisfied..             Ÿ  EOI Evidence of Insurability
                                                                      Ÿ  FSA Flexible Spending Account
        Primary Care Physician.  A health care professional           Ÿ  HDHP High Deductible Health Plan
        (usually a physician) who is responsible  for monitoring and
        managing your overall health care needs. Your PCP will refer   Ÿ  HSA Health Savings Account
        you to more specialized physicians for specialist care, if    Ÿ  LTD Long Term Disability
                                                                      Ÿ  PCP Primary Care Physician
        While electing a PCP is not required under our plans, it is still
        a good idea to have a primary doctor to oversee your care.    Ÿ  PPO Preferred Provider Organization
                                                                      Ÿ   R&C (or UCR) Reasonable & Customary (sometimes
        reasonable  & Customary (R&C).  A term that refers              referred to as Usual, Customary & Reasonable)
        to commonly charged or prevailing fees for out-of-network
        health services within a geographic area. A fee is considered   Ÿ  STD Short Term Disability
        to be reasonable if it falls within the parameters of the average
        or commonly charged fee for that particular service within
        your community.

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