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at-bat: medical benefits

        We offer three medical plan options through Highmark BCBS:   About a High Deductible Health Plan
        Ÿ  Choice Plus PPO (100/80)                                A High  Deductible  Health Plan  (HDHP) is  a medical plan
                                                                   designed to lower health care costs by encouraging its
        Ÿ  Choice PPO (90/70)
                                                                   members to focus on preventive care, therefore making
        Ÿ  Premier HDHP with HSA (80/60)                           insurance premiums more affordable.

        About a Preferred provider organization (ppo)              This plan is also a PPO but has higher deductibles that must be
                                                                   met before the plan begins to pay benefits. It is designed to pay
        A PPO gives you the flexibility to go to any doctor or hospital   for basic preventive care; you pay for all other diagnostic care
        you wish. It does not require you to select a primary care   until the deductible is reached. The HDHP is offered in tandem
        physician (PCP) or obtain referrals to see a specialist or go to the   with a Health Savings Account (HSA). See next page for more
        hospital. A PPO plan also gives you the freedom to go outside   information on the HSA.
        the network for care whenever you like. However, you will pay
        more for your care if you use an out-of-network provider.  How Does the High Deductible Health Plan Work?
                                                                   The Premier HDHP is also a PPO plan, which offers the same
        The chart below explains the differences between in-network   network of doctors and works similar to a copay plan. In
        and out-of-network coverage in a PPO plan.                 general, preventive care services are covered at 100% (no
                                                                   deductible) in-network. Other in-network services are covered
                                                                   at 80% after deductible. Prescription drugs including the mail
                                                                   order program is also subject to a calendar year deductible.
                                                                   Some prescriptions are covered at 100% if designated as
                PPO Plan: In-Network vs. Out-of-Network            preventive under Highmark’s drug formulary.
         Ÿ   See any network provider without a referral from a PCP.
         Ÿ  You pay lower out-of-pocket costs.                        Is the HDHP Right for You?
         Ÿ   There are no claim forms and no surprises with           This plan may be a good option if:
           Reasonable & Customary (R&C) limits.
                                                                      Ÿ   You expect to have low medical expenses or would
         Ÿ   Preventive care services are covered at 100%.
                                                                        like to save money on your per pay period medical
         Out-of-Network:                                                plan premiums,
         Ÿ  You pay a higher percentage of the cost of services.      Ÿ   Are looking for a tax-free way to save money for
         Ÿ   The cost of out-of-network services may exceed the         future medical expenses, or
           Reasonable & Customary (R&C) limits. The plan pays
           a percentage of the R&C after you meet the plan-year       Ÿ   You would like greater flexibility with the way you
           deductible. You pay the full cost for charges not covered    use your medical benefits.
           by the plan.                                               If the HDHP is right for you, you may spend less money
         Ÿ   You must pay the full cost at the time of service and you   per pay period while accumulating the funds you do
           may be required to submit claim forms to Highmark BCBS     not use in an HSA.
           for reimbursement.
                                                                      You may want to consult with a legal or tax advisor to
               Ÿ   Preventive care services are subject to the out-of-  see if this plan is right for you.
           network deductible and coinsurance.

           See Highmark Bcbs medical plans at-a-glance on pages 9 and 10 for a brief comparison of benefits.

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