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fall and pick up the boat in the spring.  In-between we haul out, winterize, write a service
                review, spring start, lake test, offer gasoline discounts and priority scheduling in our repair
                shop.  We also shrink wrap, vent, build bridging and block the larger boats. Our storage range is
                from kayaks to 43'.

                Wet Slips: 50 wet slips on two docks.  We have a floating dock with a finger between each
                boat.  The floating dock also contains our gas dock.  We have a fixed dock that has a larger
                walkway on one side of the slip and mooring posts in between the boats to prevent rubbing.  All
                slips allow boats to tie four ways.  They are year round permanent docks.  In the
                winter we fence off and open water with bubblers.

                Dry Stack: We have 125 dry stack spaces.  The dry stack allowed us to triple our
                capacity!  (well, not right away... we started our first season with 11 boats, now we
                max out every year).  There are four warehouses on site, all have racking systems that
                stack three high.  The warehouses are swept out at least once a week and our main
                warehouse is washed down nightly.  It benefits the busy customer with a clean boat,
                no algae/scum/zebra mussel build up, wave damage or sun fading AND it's been
                started and run before they arrive... no dead batteries!
                                                                                                   New Floor in 2017
                Boat Club: Customers have moved from private ownership to shared membership.  We are
                happy to serve these customers and to introduce them to boating.  AND this is the most exciting
                revenue booster, ever!  Instead of collecting one "private slip" payment of $4,000 we can
                collect 7/memberships per boat, therefore if we take a slip and change it's designation from
                private slip to boat club slip, we change our revenue from $4,000 one time private slip to a
                $3,000 (membership fee) times 7 or $21,000!  This does not take any additional parking
                because the boat still is only used by one member at a time.   We, however, have taken this one
                step further and have not allocated any in-water slips and instead operate on a dry stack model.
                We keep the boats in our warehouse and launch on demand.  This does not affect our storage
                license and it creates an "infinity product" that does not have a ceiling.  We can continue to buy
                boats and sell memberships until our warehouses fill!   Last year we started our season with 22
                memberships, this year we ended our season with 48 members!

                Pontoon and Fishing Boat Rentals:  Access to Lake Minnetonka can be an issue.  The price of
                an entry level lake shore home is now over $500,000.  Therefore, offering pontoon and fishing
                boats for rent allows access to our beautiful lake.  We started the rentals in 1989 with one
                pontoon and six fishing boats.  We offered a $99 midweek special on the pontoon boats.  To
                this day, we continue to offer a $99 midweek special!  You can enjoy a day on Lake
                Minnetonka as the captain of your own boat with up to 10 people on board for 6 hours for just
                $99 plus gas!   Fishing boats are $39 for the day.  We have modified our pontoon fleet to also
                include two upgraded type pontoons.  We now have 15 pontoon boats and serve over 800
                rentals a summer.  At nearly 10 passengers a toon, that's just shy of 8,000 visitors a summer.
                In 2012 we implemented an online reservation system so customers could make reservations
                anytime of day, this one season saw a 28% increase in sales due to increased schedule

                Service and Repair Shop:  Our shop is the core of our marina.  We are able to work on our
                rental and boat club fleet when any incident occurs.  In the winter we encourage service work to
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