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prevent "down time" in the summer boating season.  We accomplish this by writing a service
                review on every boat, asking customers what items to get an estimate on, and servicing these
                boats in February and March.  This allows us to staff the shop year round, without layoffs, and
                to attract certified Volvo and Mercruiser Technicians.

                Ship's Store:  This is the control center of our marina.  We consider the front desk area to have
                the same function as the front desk of a hotel.  We greet customers, answer questions and solve
                problems.  Nearly everyone passes through our store, so the goal is to get them to purchase
                something from suntan oil to motor oil!  Ice is our number one seller.

                Gas Dock:  Full service from gas to head pump-outs.  We started our marina with a pump-out
                station in 1961, way ahead of it's time!  We also have an annual fire training taught by the
                Mound Volunteer Fire Department which includes live fire extinguisher practice with real fire!
                To keep our customers using our marina we offer gasoline discounts to our dockage, In/Out
                Service and winter storage customers.  We also require the boat club members and pontoon
                boat renters to use our gas dock.

                                                           Annual fire training for all crew by Mound Fire Department

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