Page 14 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
P. 14
It is astonishing that such an
ancient writing of which the most
recent translation at the time,
from Arabic to Latin, dates to 1250,
also the interest and the study by
the father of modern seventeenth
century physics, that is the
alchemist Isaac Newton. Could he
have drawn from the Tabula
Smaragdina for his discoveries?
There is no way of knowing, but
the road travelled makes him presume, but this is another story ..
At what level did the ancient initiates come in terms of knowledge? But above all,
where does this knowledge come from?
Our planet is a hemisphere that "floats" in fact in a constantly expanding void,
regulated by (invisible) laws that keep it in an intelligent balance with respect to others
around it. Everything that created man as "certainty" is built on this fixed and mobile
support in the universe. Man builds structures in a foreign and etheric context on
which he has no complete knowledge. To seek and understand one's existential role
before and after death
through the Small and Great Mysteries of which it is part is the road that runs,
alternating glimmers of "awareness" in an ocean of continuous uncertainties.
The ancient initiation Traditions referred to "instructions" descended from the sky that
have taught very precise astrological calculation systems, so much so that few perhaps
know that astronomy is the daughter of astrology, like the chemistry of alchemy, the
first in favour of a rational Western thought, perhaps useful for liberation from
religious dogmas, but which cannot explain the irrational. "Recognized" science (the
one that is never uncomfortable) has become a "faith" of methods and tools, forgetting
that every scientific inquiry always comes from an idea and an "intuition." The
resulting technology, is not always synonymous with progress, modern APPs seek to
have the upper hand on communication, the symbiosis between man and machine is
already underway and this is demonstrated by the way in which virtual relationships
between people manifest themselves with infertility that has no moral or ethical
consequence of the actions (freeing the inhibitory brakes that a machine does not see
as an obstacle) Terms like, add, silence, block, delete, is the language of an artificial
(non-human) presence that if it had a voice (in the famous sequel of the movie
Terminator "finish" for the robot is equivalent to killing) would make every person still
cringe able to recognize himself as such in his bio-psychic unity of mind and spirit. Is
man capable of remaining wise on what he creates while maintaining control of
himself without being self-seduced by the product ... how do some religions refer
during his creation?
How much contagion is there in today's disclosure on the initial themes?
Recently they shoot on the web, photographs of men taken on board of large cars and
mountains of dollars, in that association of self-styled "Illuminati" that has nothing to