Page 12 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
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is considered as out-caste until the celebration of his assumption in the caste to which
his family belongs. Change is therefore an applied internal action, which is then
reflected in the external world.
The Great Initiates who lived and knew how to transmit this "passage" have names that
still today travel from the mists of the centuries and present themselves as:
philosophers, poets, thinkers, sculptors, musicians, inventors, scientists, explorers,
doctors, Patriarchs. In common; great contributions of historical-epoch-making
development, a single path towards enlightenment, the example of an applied
perfection. The demonstration is the modern times, where there are no more
"innovators" who succeed in influencing the masses towards human and spontaneous
progress, but bystanders who follow spectators, mirrors that follow reflexes ... The
first question is therefore addressed with great anguish to a future that it is not
possible to feasibly perceive, if not because of arbitrary actions of "others" during their
own and all too short life. Tradition, however, comes to meet us. The search for this
"origin of knowledge" in ancient initiatory Traditions is the object (at serious levels) of
research and verification of its "continuity" (golden thread), but it must not be a
misleading fixation. We can say that it is a secular optics, to face such a profound path
only on the academic coherences of the structures and its rules, because knowledge
moves beyond all logic. The spiritual part in the human being awakens, with
INITIATION in the "awareness" that tries to express itself outwardly with the symbols
that unite metaphysics and rationality. This offers the "strength" necessary to perfect
and resist the destructive dark waves, which the various epochs present cyclically in the
dawns of their decline. The society is suffering, sick, presents symptoms of evident
pathologies and the only "Veram medicinam" is the revaluation of the individual: a
Neohumanism baptized in the divine and applied in the values. Italy with its historical,
national identity with its huge cultural and artistic heritage, is reduced to hypothesis
of what was, delegated to memory that it will become myth and finally legend. The new
Italian society, in a technological future made of flying machines, will even contest the
existence of the "Renaissance", transmitted by a few with a tradition of great ethical
and spiritual thought that is Initiatic. The mystical fire that the initiatory Tradition
infuses can induce all the individuals thinking to feel inserted and participate in the
laws of a great Universe, hosting in its infinite greatness even the small and
infinitesimal planet Earth. Yet it is not so impossible to discern the analogies of
Hermes Trismegistus in that ancient "tabula smaragdina" when it reports: "<< Verum
sine mendacio, certum et verissimum. Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius, et
quod est surpass est estut quod est inferius perpetranda miracola Rei Unis ... >> " "It is
true without error or falsehood, it is certain and true. What is below is like what is at
the top, and what is at the top is like what is below, to accomplish the miracles of the
Thing - One (one only thing) ".