Page 11 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
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variety of people who are
more or less questionable
ethically and professionally.
In the meantime, in these
years in the world nothing
has changed: the spectres of
hunger, of poverty, continue
to reap victims also turning
the strong into socially and
psychologically weak beings.
Obviously, the fault of all
human panaceas, not the
tools but their use. mirror of
the personal level reached (high-medium-low) resolved or not in the community.
Digging deep is not always the fault of people, but also the lack of "Incipit" true able to
instil and improve, weaknesses in strengths. The one who "starts" to gather
information, especially on the web, finds a discouraging bulk of often opposing
associations that are struggling for the historical - religious recognition of their
structure, involuntarily moving away from the rails of the initiatory teachings.
To help in this case, there can only be culture that with its tools offers us the vision to
frame the path to be undertaken or already undertaken. For example, the Treccani
Encyclopaedia defines the initiation as follows: "The set of rites and ceremonies with
which the passage of an individual or group from one status to another is sanctioned."
Classic example,
because extremely widespread, of it is what concerns the attainment of social maturity,
which happens in many peoples in conjunction with puberty (tribal or adolescent).
On this occasion the boys (mostly
independently males from females, who are often excluded or have their own initiatory
pathways) are admitted being part of adult society, enjoying the rights related to this
status (especially those related to marriage, political and religious activities). rites of
transformation often take on the symbolic forms of a death followed by a rebirth;
finally, the aggregation to the community of initiates: the newly initiated submits to
purifying practices, observes silence or fasting, often assumes a new name. In a more
restricted sense, with which one can indicate the recruitment of only a part of the
members of the community in closed communities, such as secret societies,
confraternities, sects and religious orders, etc. Although the signs a passage that allows
the attribution of specific status, in recent decades scholars insist more on the
transformative meaning of it. conceived as a creative device and able to determine
dynamic changes in personality with important psycho-physical individual
implications. The mysteries of the classical world always involved rituals of i. to access
it. In some Greek mysteries (Eleusis, Samothrace, Andania) and of oriental order two
or more initiatory degrees were distinguished: in those of Mithras the seven initiatory
degrees constituted a true hierarchy among the initiates. Apart from the i. mystery, in
the classical world there were also forms of i. to the society of adults (Greek Ephebe,
the assumption of the virile toga in Rome). The ritual character of the transition from
childhood to adulthood is conserved also in other complex societies: in India the child