Page 10 - Cercle Sigebert IV n1 ENG
P. 10

When I was asked to

                                                                                                               contribute on the initiatory

                                                                                                               discourse and on the current

                                                                                                               panorama, I encountered not

                                                                                                               a few difficulties in putting
                                                                                                               together truth and a style

                                                                                                               suitable for the written form.

                                                                                                               The choice that is used to

                                                                                                               communicate is a great

                                                                                                               human trap formed by one's

                                                                                                               own experience, judgment,

                                                                                                               personal absorption capacity

   in this direction; in short, it is very subjective. To succeed in this endeavour and offer

   the maximum of impartiality on a topic so rich in ideas and deep reflections, I asked

   myself questions, as an observer of the world and not as a researcher, doing "a tasting

   table" of everything to be reborn intellectually. The questioning (Socrates was a Great

   Master who invented the system of continually interrogating inductively and

   deductively for the purposes of speculative inquiry) is an excellent start for those

   taking their first steps, on the meaning of their existence in search of Truth., in such

   difficult times and unable to realize human society.  The basis for an interior

   development and enhancement of individuals who start in the environment in which

   they live by applying consistency. It is not possible to follow a diet in a fast food

   restaurant or perform a task that requires concentration in a stadium during a football

   match, without encountering frustration for the resulting poor results. When this

   happens, we are faced with a paradox, and this is what the modern panorama offers as a

   reality taken for granted in terms of Initiation, when it limits itself to displaying

   symbology, reciting customs, without putting them into action, that is without

   knowing what you are doing. The so-called "inner path" that is used today with too

   much ease of opinion is not a walk in a mystical place in the weekend, but a lifestyle

   that distinguishes being from the appearance and that has tangible results.

   The reality today is simulated by the virtual world, the web, the internet and all those

   forms that represent a paradox between technological level and social progress. It is

   not difficult to notice the use of this instrument of great media contribution

   characterized by a constant bombardment of violent content (videos harmful at the

   biological and mental level) pornographic, fake news, violation of sensitive data,

   viruses and theatres in social media that guide the people to follow what others already

   do (in some cases, making them rich with sponsors) in everyday life. So it happens that

   you create a profile in 2009 and you find yourself in 2018 without realizing that nine

   years have passed to publish your photos (which emphasize aging) to read political

   clashes, comments full of foul language, false news, unaware collection of your tastes

   and your personal information, all without filtering and coming in contact with a
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