Page 20 - Foton Workshop Manual - Tunland (AT)
P. 20


      01                                              (b)    Work on Electric Components
                                                             •     Unless particularly necessary, don't
                                                                   open the control module housing (it
                                                                   may be damaged due to static if the IC
                                                                   pins are touched by accident).
                                                             •     When disconnecting the harness
                                                                   connector, pull the connector instead
                                                                   of the harness.
                                                             •     Be careful not to drop any electric
                                                                   component, such as sensor or relay. If
                                                                   it is dropped on the hard ground,
                                                                   replace it instead of reusing it.
                                                             •     When cleaning the engine with steam,
                                                                   prevent the electric components, air
                                                                   filter and other parts in relation to
                                                                   emission control from steam.
                                                             •     Don't install or remove the thermostat
                                                                   switch or temperature sensor with
                                                                   impact wrench.
                                                             •     When checking the conduction of the
                                                                   harness connector, carefully insert the
                                                                   probe to prevent the pins from
                                                                   distortion or damage.
                                                             •     Once an electric component is
                                                                   replaced, check its function and ensure
                                                                   it's functioning.

           4 .    Removal & Installation of Fuel Control System Parts
           (a)    Site Precaution
                  •      Work in a place with good ventilation, free of any equipment or object that may
                         create flame, including welding, grinder, electric drill, motor or oven.
                  •      Don't work in or near a gas station, because the vaporized fuel may be all over
                         the place.
           (b)    Removal & Installation of Fuel System Parts
                  •      Prepare a fire extinguisher before service.
                  •      To prevent static, ground the vehicle and fuel tank and maintain the workshop
                         ground dry, to prevent slipping.
                  •      Don't use motor, working lamp or similar electric unit, to avoid spark or high
                  •      Don't use an iron hammer to prevent spark.
                  •      Dispose the cloth containing fuel in a nonignitable container.

           5 .    Removal & Installation of Engine Intake System Parts

           Any metal fragment in the intake air pipe will seriously damage the engine.

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