Page 4 - PR 2014 2016 10 Materials and Nanotechnology
P. 4

280   Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report

               Biomaterials                                   powder was synthesized by a modified sol-gel

                                                              method. Non-aggregated SiO  particles were
               CaO-MgO-SiO  ceramic glass system              initially prepared by surfactant template sol-
                                                              gel technique, via acid-catalyzed hydrolysis
                                                              from Na SiO . Ca and Mg ions were embedded
                                                                      2   3
                                                              on the silica particles. The glass-ceramic body
                                                              sintered at 1320 °C, from synthesized powder,
                                                              confirmed the presence of bioactive phases,
                                                              such as, CaSiO  and Ca MgSi O . Immersion
                                                                             3       2     2  7
                                                              studies in simulated body fluid (SBF) for dif-
                                                              ferent time intervals were carried out to study
                                                              the bioactivity of the material. The evolution
                                                              of bioactivity revealed, after 7 days soaking of
                                                              the glass-ceramic body in SBF, apatite particles
                                                              were formed on the surface, confirmed by
                                                              FTIR spectra. Figure 1 shows SEM micrographs
                                                              of the glass-ceramic before (a) and after 14
                                                              days (b) soaking in SBF. In figure 1(a) con-
                                                              tinuously connected crystalline grains with
                                                              open pores microstructure of sintered body
                                                              are observed. In figure 1(b), particles with
                                                              nano microspheres morphology uniformly
                                                              deposited on the surface are seen.

                                                              As confirmed in figure 2, the prepared glass-ce-
                                                              ramic did not show cytotoxicity. According to
               Figure 1: SEM micrographs of sintered glass-ceramic body surface:   ISO 10993-5, when the cell viability of the
               before (a) and after (b) 14 days soaking in SBF.
                                                              non-diluted extract in the indirect method is
                                                              higher than 70%, the sample can be consid-
               Bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics have been   ered non cytotoxic. The cell viability of the
               extensity studied in the biomedical field due
               to their interaction with the physiological en-
               vironment when implanted. This interaction
               stimulates a response from the body, bonding
               to host tissue. Since 1969, when Hench intro-
               duced the first bio-glass (Na O-CaO-SiO -P O ),
                                          2         2  2  5
               many other variations on bioactive glasses
               and glass-ceramic materials, such as synthetic
               hydroxyapatite (HA) and other calcium phos-
               phates have been studied. Some of ternary
               CaO-MgO-SiO  system ceramics have high
               capacity of bio-reparation and bioactivity on
               bone tissue surface by HA formation. In this
                                                              Figure 2: Cytotoxicity test with CHO: Cell viability as a function of
               work, CaO-MgO-SiO  bioactive glass-ceramic     extracts dilutions from 100 to 6.25%.

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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