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Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report 281
non-diluted extract was 97.5%, by reason of aids. The selected additives must promote
this, the samples were considered non cyto- densification and a microstructure formed
toxic. No toxic effect of the prepared material by elongated β-Si N grains dispersed in a
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was found in the cytotoxicity test with CHO bioactive phase formed by the solidification
(Chinese hamster ovary) cells. of the liquid phase during the cooling step of
the sintering process.
A new modified sol gel method to preparing
CaO-MgO-SiO ceramic powder was presented. In this study, silicon and calcium oxides were
Use of low-cost Na SiO is attractive to sub- used as sintering aids as well as to obtain a
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stitute the usual high-cost TEOS as Si source. secondary phase containing P O free bioac-
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According to ISO 10993-5, the obtained ma- tive glasses, so that the contact with the physi-
terial can be considered non cytotoxic. ological fluids favors the apatite deposition on
the final material surface due to formation of
Silicon Nitride Ceramics for Bone Si-OH groups. Samples with 80 or 90 wt.% sili-
Compatibility con nitride and different contents of additives
were obtained by pressureless sintering and
In view of the growing demand to perform characterized in regard to apparent density
different procedures for bone regeneration, by the Archimedes method. The crystalline
silicon nitride based ceramics are increas- phases formed in the grain boundaries and
ingly being considered for applications in the α➔β-Si N transformation were evaluated
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biomedicine. This interest is justified by the by the X-ray powder diffraction. The morphol-
propitious mechanical properties, osseointe- ogy, grain size and phases distribution were
gration, bactericidal capacity and adequate analyzed by scanning electron microscopy.
image characteristics - which allow implant Also, The Young modulus was determined
visualization through techniques such as by a non-destructive dynamic method, while
X-rays, computed tomography and magnetic the hardness and fracture toughness were
resonance imaging. determined using the Vickers indentation
On the other hand, the bioinert character-
istics of the silicon nitride ceramics, whose In vitro, cytotoxicity tests were performed
biological response does not lead to chemical by the indirect method as suggested in ISO
bonds with the host tissue, have motivated 10993-5, using fibroblast cell line (Balb/c). Bio-
us to develop dense and bioactive composites activity studies in SBF (Simulated Body Fluid)
with great mechanical properties. and osteoblast adhesion tests with MG63 line
cells were carried out on the samples.
As it is known, the production of dense silicon
nitride ceramics by the conventional sintering The results showed that samples reached
method requires using additives, in order to high densification, microstructure formed by
promote the liquid phase sintering, which β-Si3N4 grains dispersed in an intergranular
remains in the silicon nitride grain boundar- secondary phase, as well as non citotoxicity.
ies as an amorphous or partially crystalline The materials also presented relatively high
secondary phase. Thus, the production of values of fracture toughness and lower values
dense and bioactive silicon nitride ceramics is of Young modulus than those found for these
based on the proper selection of the sintering ceramics with conventional compositions.