Page 7 - PR 2014 2016 10 Materials and Nanotechnology
P. 7

Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report  283

               Laser bean marking applied to orthopedic

               Laser beam marking is used to ensure the
               identification and traceability of biomaterials.
               The texturing imparts greater adhesion to the
               surfaces of implantable medical devices. The
               treatments performed altered the roughness
               of the biomaterials as a function of the in-
               crease of the pulse frequency (Figure 5)

               The microstructure and chemical compo-
               sition of the surfaces underwent changes
               that directly affected the passive layer of the
               stainless steels, favoring the triggering of
               the corrosion process. This effect was evi-
               denced by SVET, XPS and the characterization
               of electronic properties of the passive film.
               The parameters used for the marking did not

                                                              Figure 6: (a) Regions of the sample-4 analyzed by points and by
                                                              line, respectively. The arrow indicates the direction adopted for the
                                                              analysis by “line scan”- No attack, (b) On-line mapping of the distri-
                                                              bution of the chemical elements present on the sample surface-4, (c)
                                                              Marked and standard fractured tensile specimens.

                                                              induce a decrease in the cellular viability of
                                                              the samples, as no cytotoxicity was showed
                                                              even after prolonged incubation. The studied
                                                              biomaterial was adequate on the biomechani-
                                                              cal tests, since the laser treatments, under the
                                                              conditions used, did not induce the formation
                                                              of surface tensions of magnitude capable
                                                              of leading the fatigue fracture, indicating
                                                              infinite fatigue life; the region of fracture by
                                                              tension could not be related to the laser mark-
                                                              ing (Figure 6c). The wear volume decreased as
                                                              a function of the increase in micro hardness
                                                              produced by the increase of the pulse frequen-
                                                              cy in the texturing. The visual character of the
                                                              markings and texturing was assured after the
                                                              majority of the tests performed.
               Figure 5: Topography of (a) untreated and (b) textured laser
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