Page 6 - PR 2014 2016 10 Materials and Nanotechnology
P. 6

282   Materials and Nanotechnology | Progress Report

                                                                       The osteoblast adhesion tests with
                                                                       MG63 line cells showed the posi -
                                                                       tive effect of the vitreous phase on
                                                                       the bioactivity, since the number of
                                                                       cells increased as the culture time
                                                                       for all studied samples. The bone
                                                                       formation ability of the samples can
                                                                       also be verified by the large areas
                                                                       of calcified matrix shown in the
                                                                       image of the surface stained with
                                                                       alizarin after 14 days of cell culture
                                                                       (Figure 4).

                                                                       Hence, considering the results of
               Figure 3: Image of a silicon nitride sample submitted to bioactivity test in SBF   densification, microstructure, me-
               after 16 days of immersion
                                                                       chanical properties and in vitro
               Backscattered scanning electron micrographs    biological behavior, the obtained silicon
               of the samples surfaces submitted to SBF tests   nitride composites is a promising for ap -
               indicate the formation of a superficial layer   plications in biomedical devices, mainly in
               with globular structures (Figure 3), typical of   intervertebral disc spacers, artificial l disc
               the apatite, indicating the bioactivity of the   replacement and acetabular components in
               studied composites.                            total hip prostheses.

                 Figure 4: Light microscopy image
                 of alizarin red S staining for
                 mineralization in MG-63 cells for a
                 silicon nitride sample after 14 days of

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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