Page 6 - Kingdom News Edition 9
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In this article, it is our goal to dispel the darkness that introduced mankind to sin and the consequences
is related to the perverse spirit or the spirit of based on their response to Satan’s tactics.
perversion. Oftentimes, when we think of the spirit
Satan knows his demise, but doesn’t want mankind to
of perversion, we think of sexual immorality,
fornication, homosexuality and lesbianism, etc. These know he is already defeated. He is determined to
are all connected to this spirit, but it is also inclusive overthrow the Kingdom of God and to rule, but he is
of so much more. eternally defeated.
The definition of perversion is the alteration of We have to
something from its original course, meaning or state remember that
to a distortion or corruption of what was first Satan cannot and
intended. By this definition, we can see that it is so will never be able
to create—that is a
much more than sexual perversion, but it
encompasses any area where our thinking becomes power that solely
deviated from the truth, which means our thinking belongs to God. So, he has made it his mission now
has become corrupt. to pervert those things that God has created. We see
it so much in today’s society where his tactics are
Let’s check the source of this corruption by going to being implemented and cause mankind to veer further
Isaiah 14 where Lucifer is defining the purpose he and further from the truth of the gospel. Media is
intends instead of the purpose God created him to inundated with images and sounds that those who
do. In verse 13-14 it says, “You said in your heart, “I will understand the ways of the Kingdom of God can see
ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of clearly the blatant acts being displayed by Satan.
God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the
utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops Let’s look at some other areas where these perverse
of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” spirits are contaminating our lives. The Bible says in
Lucifer’s created role was a worshipper and covered Proverbs 18:21,
the throne of God. He was an anointed cherub. “Death and life are in
Pride was the element that was perverted in Lucifer’s the power of the
thinking that made him corrupt. He began to tongue: and they that
challenge God’s sincerity and fairness (Ezekiel 28) and love it shall eat the
believed that he could overthrow God and do things fruit thereof.” There
better than God Himself. is power in our
words and this scripture proves the old saying, “Sticks
Since Lucifer’s demise and being cast out of heaven, and stones may break my bones, but words will never
he (Satan) has begun to twist things from God’s harm me” to be wrong. Our words should be used as
original intent. Every good thing that God has instruments that give God praise, that glorify Him,
created, Satan continually works to pervert them in that encourage one another, and that speak truth that
order to lead mankind astray. He was successful in is grounded in the ways God intends it to be shared.
the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, which
Kingdom News Magazine—September 2018 Volume 8 ~ Page 6