Page 10 - Kingdom News Edition 9
P. 10

Satan, with his trafficking agents, you and me
                                                                 as sacrifices to him!

                                                                 Let’s look at the methodology of this thief, this
                                                                 enemy of mankind and how he operates. See
                                                                 the similarities.

                                                                 E n t i c e m e n t

                                                                 Have you read an advertisement for models?
                                                                 Or  job  posting  that  seemed  too  good  to  be
                                                                 true? How about an opportunity that appeals
                  rom part one of this series, we looked                                    to  your  interests  or
                  the similarities of we learn that we are                                  passions, but the de-
                  created in the image of God.  Bearing                                     tails  are  vague,  or
         F  image,  we  were  given  an  inher-                                             you  are  asked  to
         itance  of  authority  to  rule  on  this  earth.  We                              come to a meeting to
         were never created nor are we design for en-                                       find    out     more?
         slavement.    We  were  created  in  freedom,  in                                  (Writer’s  note:  I  seri-
         love, in power; to rule in love and live in peace                                  ously    hate    those
         with one another and this planet.  This brings                                     “time          share”,
         praise to our Creator, again whose image we                                        “opportunity of a life-
         bear.                                                                              time”    traps)    De-
         But a thief,  having  nothing  of  his own;  envy-                                 signed to lure you in
         ing, hating, desiring to destroy to the very im-                                   with  promises  of  a
         age of God on this earth; stalks his prey, stud-        better  life:  fame,  money  or  dreams  fulfilled.
         ies the habits and weakness.  He becomes an             Enticement  looks  for  willing  participants.  Re-
         expert  on  its  comings  and  goings.  Then…he         member in Genesis, Eve looked at the forbid-
         sets traps.                                             den  fruit  and  “perceived”  it  was  good.  Even
                                                                 though, she was told not to do it; the entice-
         Remember  there  is  a  real  enemy  out  there.        ment  of  “being  ‘as’  god  struck  her  curiosity.
         And  despite  our  different  backgrounds,  lan-        Omitting  the  truth  that  mankind  was  already
         guages, and social statuses; we all were, and           the pure reflection of GOD on this earth. We
         some still are targets of this same enemy. We           were  already  sons  of  God,  given  the  inher-
         are  the  most  prized  community  in  existence.       itance of authority and abundant life.  Entice-
         More  precious  that  silver,  gold  or  the  rarest    ment will always have one looking for some-
         jewel.                                                  thing better.

         And  Satan  hates  us. He  has  agents  that  will      Enticement works 100% of the time when it is
         carry out his plan to destroy you.                      presented to those who are in dire straits. The
         Majority  of  human  trafficking  survival  stories     world  is  a  harsh  and  sinful  place.  Reminder:
         has  begun  with  enticement,  manipulation,  or        from the beginning of time humans have been
         coercion.    This  is  what  Satan  does  to  man-      the  most  prized  commodity.  So,  if  the  thief
         kind, making merchandise to traffic in order to         that lures you away, using bait that he knows
         multiply covetousness, rebellion and death.             will draw your gaze and stir your appetite. He
                                                                 will entice you with a better life where it seems
         Remember the goal is to steal you, to kill you,         that  you  can  take  control  of  your  life  and  all
         and to destroy you.  In John 10:10 KJV, Jesus           you have seen on television and in the maga-
         used the word kill. In the Greek language, the          zines  can  be  yours.  Desperate,  hungry  and
         word thuo actually means to slaughter as in a           full  of  hope,  you  step  into  the  trap.  All  may
         sacrifice. The only human sacrifice allowed by          seem good. All may seem to go your way and
         God,  what  the  crucifixion  of  His  Son,  Jesus      you even get a taste of the goodness you so
         Christ,  God’s  Word  wrapped  in  flesh.  That         desperately desired. You are hooked and He
         was  for  the  redemption  of  the  entire  human       got you.

                             Kingdom News Magazine—September 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 10
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