Page 7 - Kingdom News Edition 9
P. 7

When we speak words of hurt, harm and danger or
        when our speech is perverted by means of cursing,
        gossiping,  and  lying,  we  are  now  operating  in  a
        perverse spirit.  In Ephesians 4:29 it says, “Let no
        corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that
        which is good to the  use of  edifying, that it  may minister
        grace unto the hearers.”

        Being  just  and  upright  is  a  characteristic  of  the
                                   Father.    When  one         and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall
                                   chooses  to  seek  his  or   be one flesh.”  It is through intimacy that husband and
                                   her own interests at the     wife become one flesh.

                                   expense  or  rights  of      There  are  so  many  layers  and  with  each  layer,  the
                                   others,  God  is  not        purity  of  God’s  intention  is  being  distorted  and
                                   pleased.    In  Proverbs     perverted  by  Satan  and  his  evil  ways.    Now
                                   11, the Bible speaks on      something that is made for pleasure is now distorted
                                   the   benefits     and         to  represent  adulterous  affairs,  pornography,
                                   consequences  of  being      voyeurism,  bestiality,  incest,  molestation,
                                   just   and   righteous       masturbation,  oral  sex,  pedophilia,  dominatrix,
        versus  being  perverse  and  wicked.    We  are  to      sodomy,  rape,  homosexuality,  lesbianism,  gender
        operate  in  integrity,  truth  and  love,  so  Satan  will   reassignment,  bisexuality,  trafficking…just  to  name
        come  offering  bribes,  introducing  oppression,       a few.
        spreading lies, and being very deceitful.  He often
        disguises himself as an angel of light to distract and   We  have  to  realize  that  these  spirits  team  up  and
        derail people from God’s plan in their lives.           help one another because their source comes from
                                                                the same location, Satan himself.  It is his purpose to
        As  mentioned  earlier,  perversion  can  be  a          distort  God’s  purpose  and  influence  people  to  fall
        corruption  in  the  mind  and  in  our  thought          into the traps he has set for them.  These destructive
        processes.  A second definition is a sexual behavior    traps are created to lure people with the purpose of
        or  desire  that  is  considered  abnormal  or
                                                                giving them a false sense of love and acceptance in
        unacceptable.  In the last edition, we shared about     many cases. The mind is then infiltrated with images
        the  Spirit  of  Abuse  and  its  effects  on  a  person   to  justify  one’s  actions  and  justify  the  sin,  pulling
        throughout  his  or  her  life.    Included  in  the          them further and further from God’s purpose  and
        statistics shared, we spoke of sexual abuse.  Sexual    desires for their lives.
        abuse is an effect of a perverse mindset.  There are
        so many layers to this topic and so many paths that     An  example  of  how  these  spirits  team  up  is  if  a
        are  intertwined  that  has  the  ability  to  lead  to        young  man  is  molested  by  another  man,  then  the
        destructive patterns in one’s life.                     young  man  grows  up  believing  that  he  is  a
                                                                                          homosexual  and  begins
        Since the spirit of perversion is usually associated                              living  that  lifestyle.    The
        with sexuality immorality, let’s look at the biblical                             violation  was  a  trap  to
        purposes  that  God  created  sex  to  be.    Sex  was                            distract  and  redirect  the
        given to us as a means to glorify Him as well as to                               thinking and path of this
        procreate, to have intimacy, to bring comfort and                                 young man.  This action
        for  physical  pleasure.    In  1  Corinthians  7:2-3   resulted  in  a  change  in  direction  of  God’s  original
        (NOG),  it  says,  “But in order to avoid sexual sins, each   plan for his life.  The enemy believes he has won,
        man should have his own wife, and each woman should have   but  God  has  the  ability  to  deliver  this  young  man
        her own husband. Husbands and wives should satisfy each   out of this lifestyle.  He has to be introduced to the
        other’s sexual needs.”  (Please take the time to ready 1   living God who can   deliver him.  God is the light
        Corinthians 7:2-6 in the Message Translation).  In      needed to dispel the darkness that was introduced to
        Genesis  2:24,  God  speaks  of  the  intimacy  of       this young man  during the time of his violation.
        marriage  saying,  “Therefore shall a man leave his father

                              Kingdom News Magazine—September 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 7
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