Page 8 - Kingdom News Edition 9
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Here is another example, one I know all too well                                        full  of  grace  and
        because it’s my testimony.  When I was 3 years old,                                     mercy  and  once
        I believe I was sexually molested.  I know who did                                      God is able to gain
        it  and  where  it  was,  but  I  can’t  remember  the                                  access    to   our
        actual  act.    For  years,  the  fact  that  I  couldn’t                               hearts,  we  are  no
        remember  hindered  me  in  believing  it  even                                         longer  the  same
        happened, but the way I acted out sexually around        person.    The  ways  we  use  to  operate  in  are  no
        ages 7 and 10, it was apparent that a door had to        longer satisfying, and we now become focused on
        open  somewhere.    Also,  the  person  that  I  knew    pleasing the Lord and not grieving Him with our
        had  violated  me,  had  been  in  and  out  of  prison   impure  actions.    The  Love  we  now  possess  for
        most  of  his  life  for  charges  of  rape  and
                                                                 God is the strength we need to overcome the tricks
        molestation  of  others  so  that  was  confirmation     and  tactics  of  the  enemy.    We  need  to  learn  the
        that I wasn’t making things up in my mind.  My           ways of God and get them on the inside of us in
        mother  did  not  have  men  coming  in  and  out  of    order  to  combat  the  seducing  ways  of  Satan.
        our  home,  but  this  learned  behavior  had  been      Salvation is a fluid action; we receive it, but then we
        taught to me somewhere and had been burnt into           must  walk  in  it  and  move  in  the  direction  of
        my subconscious to reenact them again just a few         walking in the ways of God.
        short years later.  As I went through my process of
        becoming  saved,  I  began  to  recall  the  unhealthy   I  want  to  share  a  few  words  of  encouragement.
        patterns of sexual activity that      occurred in my     Yes, Satan is strong and deceptive, but remember
        life, and I         immediately asked the Lord to help   he  is  already  defeated.    He  will  work  hard  to
        me overcome in these areas.                              capture you and hold you captive, but nothing he
                                                                 does  to  us  will  be  permanent.    Jesus  Christ,  our
        As  I  grew  in  the                                     Lord and Savior is all powerful and can break the
        knowledge  of  who                                       chains of bondage off our lives and wash us clean
        Christ  was,  I  worked                                  of  all  impurities.    We  need  to  learn  how  to  turn
        hard to be pleasing to                                   over  all  things  to  Him  and  allow  Him  to  do  His
        Him and abstain from                                     work.  It’s a process, but if we stay dedicated to the
        those  activities.    It  wasn’t  always  easy  and  I          process,  we  will  be  victorious  and  free  from  the
        remember  during  a  few  hard  times  in  my  life  or   deceitful ways of Satan.
        much  transition and pain, I backslide.   It  was so
        devastating  to  me  because  I  really  felt  that  I         A  perverse  spirit  twists  the  truth  into  something
        disappointed  God.    I  am  stronger  now  and  deal    that it’s not.  It turns things upside down. It argues,
        with  hurt  and  pain  in  different  ways  and  allow   denies and resists.  It is saturated with self-will and
        those  times  to  draw  me  closer  to  Him  and learn   rebellion.   As  you  can see, these are all  attributes
        instead of sabotaging my relationship with Him.          that are related to the nature of Satan.   This spirit
                                                                 brings  confusion  and  chaos  into  people’s  lives  to
        Often times, it’s not just the actual act that occurs    distract  and  pull  them  far  from  the  will  of  God.
        when a violation occurs, but also a reenactment of       Stay away from the tricks and tactics of the enemy
        one’s hurtful memories or pain that is being acted       and  know  that  everything  God  establishes,  Satan
        out.  The lies of Satan tend to be so compounded         will  come  to  pervert  it.    Ask  the  Lord  for
        that  it  is  difficult  to  overcome  the  lies  Satan       discernment  so  you  will  know  God’s  will  versus
        bombards one’s minds with.                               Satan’s shenanigans and deceptive ways.  It’s time
                                                                 to untwist what Satan has twisted. BE FREE!
        We need to learn our value in Christ Jesus.  It is
        only through our value in Christ that we learn the
        truth.  Jesus said in the Word that He is the way,
        the  truth,  and  the  life  (John  14:6).    Jesus  is  our
        chief  intercessor  and  until  those  who  have  been      Just Remember, no amount of
        harmed in the past come to realize who they are in          guilt and shame can keep you
        Him,  He  will  continually  intercede  and  pray  for          from the Love of Christ...
        their  spiritual  awakening  and  prepare  them  for
        their spiritual experience.  We serve a God that is
                              Kingdom News Magazine—September 2018  Volume 8 ~ Page 8
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