Page 4 - Kingdom News Edition 11
P. 4
THE CHAINS ARE NO LONGER OUR CROWN. concerned about inclusivity instead of safety.
According to Proverbs 26:2, the curse causeless cannot
come. Paul writes to the Galatians that Jesus redeemed The cries of the innocent are not the only voices that are
us from the law by becoming a curse, and further builds on the rise.
his case about why grace abounds over the law. Sin no
longer has dominion over The Atlantic has published several articles in 2018 about
us, and we are now serv- different views on religion. People are paying for prayers
ants of righteousness un- while Christian witches advocate African witchcraft over
der holiness. Paul re- Christianity. They live their religion out loud, naked and
minds us through Gala- not ashamed. New Age thinkers focus on channeling
tians 5:1 that we are to positive energy instead of establishing a right relation-
stand in the liberty that Christ won for us and to resist ship with God. Even Silicon Valley is lifting its voice as
being entangled in the yoke of bondage. He even encour- an influencer on religion as interaction designers have
aged us through his letter to the Colossians that we were designed an app that develops rituals that shift the focus
rooted and built up in our faith in Him, and we were from God to where it matters—on the person.
complete in Him because our Savior disarmed the rulers
and authorities of darkness by putting them to open Got faith? There’s an app for that.
shame through His triumph on Calvary.
What the heart wants and what pleases self are all that
Jesus told Peter that we have the keys of the kingdom. matters. If one does good works, then he or she is moral-
He gave us the building permit to build His church on ly stable.
the spiritual Rock. We have the power to tread on ser-
pents and scorpions. All authority belonged to Him, and If Christian employees at a city hall want to meet weekly
he distributed it to us for His commission to go forth. to intercede in prayer for their city, colleagues and world,
then everyone is in an uproar. If the conversation shifts
Signs and wonders should be following us, but are they? to discussing salvation or loving the hell out of a person
by explaining a more excellent way to live, then the
As people congregated in a Jack- words toleration and judgment quickly come up.
sonville, Florida City Hall room,
the government of heaven in- TRUTH HAS BECOME AN OFFENSE.
creased to no end as worship and Jesus clearly states that He is the way, truth and the life,
prayer went forth. Seeking God and no one can come to the Father except through Him.
became their go-to response as The world is making truth
violence raged throughout their city. Every two days relative to what satisfies its
since January 1, 2019, someone had been killed in Jack- carnal appetite. The world
sonville, Florida. A councilwoman had already peti- isn’t by itself in creating
tioned the governor to enlist the National Guard to help their own doctrines for ne-
local police officers with the growing crime rate. gotiating spirituality on
their own terms.
This group of people boldly approached the throne of
grace to obtain mercy in the time of need. They exalted We the church are sup-
God, not the violence. They spoke the promises, not the posed to be a kingdom of
problem. priests entrusted with the
ministry of reconciliation and carrying out the early
THEIR FAITH BECAME AN OFFENSE. church paradigm that began in the book of Acts. Instead,
As the news stations aired the story, others became out- we are walking upon the earth more concerned about de-
raged that the lines between church and state were being nominational differences and titles.
blurred. They felt like a taxpayer-funded building had
become a church and questioned why one religion was The prince of this world has blinded the hearts of those
being favored over the others. Why was the Day of Wor- who are perishing, and our ministry is hidden. The Lord
ship event not open to all religions and faith? Weren’t has commissioned us to go out in the world and preach
they grieving, too? the gospel. The knowledge of His glory should be cover-
ing the earth, but people are walking around as the spirit-
The blood of Abel is crying out, and people are more
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 4