Page 9 - Kingdom News Edition 11
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back to fulfill purpose and desti-
ny, but it’s all done in love be-
cause of His love for us.
So next time you are asked who
the most important person on
earth is, just remember, it is the The success of your life depends upon how well you live out the Kingdom life.
Precious Holy Spirit, the third Citizens have special benefits and protections in a Kingdom.
person of God’s trinity. If you The principle and purpose of delegated authority is accountability and
would like to learn more about responsibility.
the importance of the Holy Spirit, Humanity is really a royal family whose Father is the King of a vast and
I would recommend getting the eternal Kingdom.
book written by Dr. Myles Mon- The Holy Spirit is humanity’s bridge to the home Kingdom.
roe. Our Sunday School class
has been feasting on the revela- The greatest threat to Kingdom privileges and benefits is an independent
tions Dr. Monroe wrote about for spirit.
over a year. We have dissected Humanity’s independence from the Kingdom was the worst thing that ever
each chapter and really taking the happened to them.
time to learn about the power and A perspective based only on the senses inevitably leads to confusion.
purpose that the Holy Spirit holds When the end becomes the means, and the minor becomes the major, then
in the Kingdom of God. Below injustice is inevitable.
you will find a myriad of quotes Holiness is associated with integrity. It means “to be one with yourself.”
pulled from Dr. Monroe’s book. “Miracles” were natural outcomes of the influence of heavenly government.
There were are many more, but I
picked out some of my favorites. The greatest motivation of the human spirit is to control its environment.
Love is the nature of the King and His Kingdom!
So, let’s review. Who is the most The future of a plant is staying attached to the soil.
important person on the earth? The return of the Holy Spirit is the most important act of redemption in God’s
plan for humanity.
The Holy Spirit!
The disciples were connected to the Kingdom, but they needed to connect to
the Kingdom’s power.
YES!!! Utilize Him to the fullest
in your life! If the Spirit lives within you, then wherever you are, the heavenly government
is present.
We are to act in the name of Jesus when we work on behalf of the Kingdom.
It is impossible to really be in the Kingdom of God and not experience
When the Spirit lives within you, heaven is your home country, and you have
its power.
We can bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth only if we are able to receive
clear instructions from the King.
A person left to himself will self-destruct.
The Holy Spirit is God, and He is equal to the Father and the Son.
The Holy Spirit convicts people and enables them to be spiritually reborn.
You have to learn to fellowship with and listen to the Holy Spirit.
Your culture reveals your origin.
Available Online The fruit of the Spirit are not only what the King does; they are what He is.
ISBN 9780883689868 It is easier to receive the gifts of the Spirit that to develop the fruit of the
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 9