Page 10 - Kingdom News Edition 11
P. 10

A set of stone steps, stacked like slabs, lead up to a   from its offspring can be transported by the wind to
          raised embankment. A group of trees stand tall and      the  ground  and  sprout  new  life  that  replicates  that
          regal in a semicircle. The branches intertwine with     same tree. Each tree coexists with each other and even
          each other  and form  a knitted canopy. A  calmness     opens itself up to other forms of plant life. The roots
          lies  here.  The  stillness  is  so  comforting.  The  pres-  can often become entangled, but they do not deprive
          ence of the Holy Spirit is here. If we are His work-    each other of nutrients.  The roots of the tree are de-
          manship created in Jesus Christ to do good works,       signed to always seek water. Without it, they become
          then  these  trees  are  His  handiwork  created  by  His   dry and uprooted.
          word to glorify Him. How can one not look at any
          part of nature and see the beautiful mind of our Cre-   The Hebrew word for tree is ets, and
          ator?                                                   it means staff, plank, stalk, wood, and
                                                                  bone.  In Genesis 2, Adam calls Eve
                                         Trees  are  such  an     bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh.
                                         intricate  part  of  na-  In Ezekiel 37, God reconnects the dry
                                         ture. They  form na-     bones, bone to his bone. Those bones
                                         ture’s community. It     are  structures  that  build  relationships  with  man  and
                                         was so ingenious of      God. Without the word of God and His Spirit, which
                                         God  to  create  a  life   is  represented  by  the  wind,  those  bones  will  remain
                                         form  that  is  rooted   dry and uprooted. Those dry bones represented Israel
                                         and grounded in the      in Ezekiel 37. Individually and corporately, they had
          earth  like  we  are  supposed  to  be.  Trees  give  birth   lost their structure and became scattered and exposed.
          ecosystems throughout the world. They also give us      In Genesis 3, the bone of Adam’s bone suffered some
          revelations  of  who  we  are  individually  and  corpo-  disconnection  when  sin  separated  them  from  God,
          rately in the Spirit. Each tree is unique on its own    their  living  water,  and  caused  division  in  their  mar-
          with  the  reproductive  ability  to  bear  fruit.  Seeds   riage.  In Genesis 1:11,  it states that each tree  yields

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 10
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