Page 13 - Kingdom News Edition 11
P. 13

the Holy Ghost, according to Romans 8:14-18, “For         an, I have experienced many ups and downs in my
          as many are led by the Spirit of God, they are the        career. God has elevated and humbled me.  Again.
          sons of God.” He goes on to explain that the same         it all depended on how I represented him and how I
          Spirit  of  God  sealed  us,  joined  us  with  Christ  by   represented the company.  I learned over the years
          adoption.  We  share  His  name,  blood,  and  inher-     that I truly have One Master, The LORD God Al-
          itance.  Therefore, we represent God’s family.            mighty.  He is the One that give us the strength to
                                                                    make  wealth  and  promotion  comes  from  Him.
                                       How  we  engage  the         (Psalm 75:6-7).
                                       day  paints  a  picture
                                       of  your  functionality      In  fact,  God  created  the  first  family  owned  busi-
                                       or dysfunctionality in       ness!    God  created  the  heavens  and  Earth,  Psalm
                                       God’s  family.  Which        24:1, the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there-
                                       will shape the percep-       of…   Mankind  was created to  dress  and cultivate
                                       tion  of  God’s  family      the ground. (Genesis 2:15)  Adam had a very high
                                       in the eyes of your co                                position  until  he  got  de-
          -workers, supervisors, managers, and customers. All                                moted.    He  was  out  of
          of whom you engage. Food for thought.                                              compliance and thus dis-
                                                                                             obeyed the rules. He got
          Yet  know  that  we  all  are  growing  and  have  not                             kicked  out  of  the  lus-
          achieved perfection in the flesh, it only though the                               cious office space he had
          Holy Spirit  in  us where we are perfect.   We press                               and  was  placed  in  the
          each  day  to  line  up  with  the  word  of  God         mailroom to sort a lot of stuff out. He got bad ad-
          (Philippians 3:14-17) and apply what we learn and         vice  and  was  removed  from  the  position  he  once
          use it as we encourage others. When we miss it, we        possessed.
          thank  God  for  instruction,  forgiveness,  grace  and
          mercy and another chance to get it right.                 How  we  work  when
                                                                    the boss is not around
                             So despite how your day started        speaks volumes of our
                             out, keep in mind that the peo-        character.  I  still  have
                             ple  you  engage  throughout  the      to watch myself to en-
                             day  are  opportunities  to  share     sure  I  am  not  out  of
                             the goodness, power, mercy and         compliance  and  am  not  mispresenting  God  in  the
                             forgiveness  of  Christ.  Even  in     process.  We  have  to  be  careful  of  how  we  speak
          your weakness, He is strong according to 2 Corinthi-      about our superiors and even other coworkers. Are
          ans 12:9.  Let Him shine!                                 we building up or tearing down?  Are we standing
                                                                    up for integrity or are we dispersing office gossip?
          Wisdom  Key  #2:  Recognize  Who  Really                  Are we displaying the fruits of the Spirit or are we
          Signs Your Paycheck                                       just  rotten  fruit?    Are  we  doing  the  work  to  help
                                                                    succeed  or  just  giving  lip  service  with  empty
          Servants   (Employees),    obey    your    masters
          (employers)  in  everything.  Obey  all  the  time,  even   Keep in mind that God sees all, beholding the good
          when they can’t see you. Don’t just pretend to work       and the evil. Keep in mind that Satan as a roaring
          hard so that they will treat you well. No, you must       lion seeks to devour your witness. DO NOT GIVE
          serve your masters honestly because you respect the       HIM THAT OPPORTUNITY.

          Lord.  In all the work you are given, do the best you
          can. Work as though you are working for the Lord,         Do  you  work  as  unto  the  LORD  because  that  is
          not any earthly master. (ERV) - Colossians 3:22-23
                                                                    who you represent, He is the real Boss.
          I love this Easy-To-Read version. It’s so, well, easy
          to read and straight to the point. As a business wom-

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 13
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