Page 8 - Kingdom News Edition 11
P. 8
If you were asked who the most course, it’s Jesus! Right? Jesus. The Holy
important person on earth would Wrong! Spirit knows the
be, who would you say that it is? ways of God be-
Would you say it’s the president? Yes, Jesus was the most important cause He is God.
Would you mention your favorite on the earth while He was here on That is why it is
athlete? Would you mention a great earth, but the Bible tells us that so important to
philanthropist like Oprah Winfrey He ascended to heaven and is now have a relationship with the Father,
and others like her who give to bet- seated at the right hand of the Fa- His Son and the Holy Spirit. All
ter the lives of others? Or is it ther interceding for each of us on three are working things out for
someone like Mother Teresa? Who a daily basis. So if Jesus is in your good so that you will have
would you name? heaven, He isn’t on earth. great success!
So, if not Jesus, God desires for His creation, you
who? No one is and me, to be prosperous and effec-
greater than God tively walk in the purpose and des-
and Jesus is God in tiny He has established for us. We
the flesh, so who have a free will, but by having a
can it be? Well let relationship with the Father and
me share the answer allowing His Son, Jesus, to pray for
with you – the Holy us and allowing His Holy Spirit to
Spirit! Just like Je- indwell us, then we will begin to
sus is God in the hunger and thirst for the will of
flesh, the Holy Spir- God to come forth in our lives. In
it is God in Spirit Matthew 5:6 the Bible says,
All those mentioned above are im- and His Spirit is here with us, liv- “Blessed are those who hunger and
portant and they should be prayed ing on the inside of those who thirst for righteousness, for they
for continually; however, there is have accepted Him. He is the will be filled.” What are we being
someone else that is far greater and third person of the Holy Trinity. filled with? The most important
more important than anyone we al- He lives, He breathes, He leads person on the earth, the Holy Spirit
ready named. So, who is it? Now and He guides. So many forget Himself. He lives within us, that
that you’re thinking and really try- about Him, but He is real and is still small voice and in some cases
ing to tap into who this most im- alive in the earth right now. that loud voice, to shock us back to
portant person is, I know someone When Jesus left earth, He said He reality. We are not our own, but in
that came to mind and you just will send a Comforter. The Holy no way is the Father forceful; how-
know you’re right. Jesus! Of Spirit is that Comforter sent by ever, He will shake up to bring us
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 8