Page 5 - Kingdom News Edition 11
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ually walking dead in a world that seems to be more will surely have mercy on him,” says the
fallen than before. LORD” (Jeremiah 31:20).
The Lord asked us to not let the leaven of the Pharisees We are modern day
or the spirit of the world infect us, but His heart is bur- Josephs who have
dened as His bowels of compassion are moved. For His become stuck be-
people are seeking substitutes to replace Him as their tween the pit and the
Heavenly Father. When a parent is rejected by his own palace. We are in a
child, it grieves him so. He has placed such care in cre- season of arrested
ating an environment for His child to thrive in, but he or development. We
she continuously seeks idols to replace Him. have allowed situa-
tions designed to develop us and serve as catalysts to
Ritual has superseded relationship. A multitude of of- transition us from womb to manifestation; stagnate us.
fenses have covered true love. The secret place, where we are to be tried as gold and
suffer with Him so that we may reign with Him, has be-
God hears the cries of oppression, despair, brokenness, come the sunken place.
confusion and loss. The words of His prophet, Jeremiah
in Lamentations 1:20 We are attributing too much power to man while we mir-
AMP fit into the cur- ror the crooked and perverse nation with grumbling and
rent state of our complaining instead of working out our salvation.
world: “See, O LORD,
how distressed I am! We have resorted back to a diet of milk instead of eating
My spirit is deeply and operating on the meat of God’s word.
disturbed; My heart is
overturned within me WE HAVE LOST OUR BACKBONE.
and cannot rest, It is time for God’s light to break through the state of this
For I have been very present day. He is ready to send His word in order to heal
rebellious. In the street the sword kills and bereaves; In the land and deliver it out of its destructions, but can He
the house there is [famine, disease and] death!” count on me? Can He rely on you? Are we really being
about our Father’s business? Are we changing our world,
The sword is wreaking havoc on our land. For we have or have we allowed it to mute our voice?
allowed stubborn pharaohs to ride on horses while we
walk upon the earth. The Assyrian has set up shop in Awaken, oh sleeper, for Christ is giving us light. He has
our territory. Legislation meant to legalize full term heard the world mocking Him as our God and scornfully
abortions is fighting its way to manifest into law. Our ridiculing the impact, power and authority of the Church.
children are being killed daily. Just recently an 11-year- The spirit of error has sent out its anti-christs that have
old allegedly caused such severe, fatal injuries to a one- been preaching another Jesus, another gospel that per-
year-old. Pastors are molesting teen girls. Active shoot- verts the spirit of truth. The Lord is declaring today that
ers are turning our public schools into war zones. Famil- the Church is not dead; she is only sleeping. It is time to
iar spirits are being vetted as lifetime family members as fear not and faith it only.
families rather accept generational curses instead of
breaking bondages by declaring spoken promises of The Holy Spirit is giving us
God and interceding in fervent prayer. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as
He realigns us to His standard of
There are too many breaches in the spirit. We have not truth. He is making Elisha moves
been on our posts. Have we produced any fruit that re- as He places His eyes upon our
mains? eyes, His mouth upon our mouths and His hands upon
our hands. For He is readjusting the way we see and
We have become a modern-day Ephraim that God is speak and cleansing our hands so we may enter His pres-
lamenting over: “Is Ephraim My dear son? Is he a dar- ence, lift our heads, open our gates and everlasting doors
ling and beloved child? For as often as I have spoken to let the King of glory into the earth.
against him, I certainly still remember him. Therefore,
My affection is renewed and My heart longs for him; I He is waiting for His train to fill His temple, for we are
His temple that houses His Spirit so that He can dwell in
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 5