Page 13 - Northbridge Companies 2018 OE Guide_Fomatting corrections (002)HLD
P. 13
Plan Contact Information:
Benefits Terminology Medical : Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare
Phone: 888.333.4742
Member Website:
Coinsurance: Once you have met your deductible, you may be
required to pay a percentage of your covered health care expenses.
This percentage of the covered claims amount that is payable by
the member is referred to as “coinsurance”.
Dental: Dental Blue
Copayment (also known as “co-pay” or “copay”): A fixed amount Phone: 1-800-358-2227
that must be paid up-front in order to obtain certain services under
your insurance plan. Member Website:
Deductible: The portion of the covered claims amount that the
member (you) must pay in full before benefits are payable under
the plan.
Vision: Vision Service Plan (VSP)
Explanation of Benefits (EOB): The statement sent to a par- Phone: 866.939.3633
ticipant in a health plan that lists the services provided, amounts
paid by the plan, and total amount billed to the patient. Member Website:
Maximum Benefit Amount: The maximum allowable benefit the in-
surance company will pay during that given period.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses/Costs: The share of health expenses Flexible Spending Account:
paid by the member. Benefit Strategies
Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The maximum amount you are respon- Phone: 888.401.FLEX (3539)
sible for during the year; once you have met your out-of-pocket Member Website:
maximum, the plan will pay 100 percent of your covered expens-
es up to the plan’s lifetime benefit maximum. The out-of-pocket
maximum limits your liability with respect to the amount of coinsur-
ance you pay in the year.
Plan Year (for Northbridge Companies ): Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. Employee Assistance Program:
KGA Associates
Preferred Drugs: A listing of commonly prescribed drugs covered
by an insurance plan or used within a hospital. Phone: 800.648.9557
Member Website:
Please contact your Business Director or
Voluntary Life & Accident and Disability
Heather Duval Coverage: Colonial Life
Phone: 781.238.4858
Email: Phone: 888.623.6236
Member Website:
Retirement Plan: AmericanFunds
This guide is intended to acquaint you with your employer-provided benefits
program. It is not all-inclusive, but rather a brief outline. Exact benefit limita- Phone: 800.421.6019
tions and exclusions are contained in the plan documents. Should there be
any discrepancies between this summary and the materials produced by each Member Website:
insurance company, the insurance company’s documents will prevail.
This guide is provided by