Page 4 - Northbridge Companies 2018 OE Guide_Fomatting corrections (002)HLD
P. 4

If you want medical coverage you must enroll via the Paycom
                                                                          self service.  PCP info required on HMO plan.
        Medical Plan Options
                                                                        ELECTIONS & FORMS ARE DUE DEC. 8, 2017
    Northbridge Companies offers three medical plan options. The table below provides a side-by-side comparison of the three plans, so you can
    easily compare your options. The table not a contract and it does not include all benefits, limitations, or exclusion provisions of the plan.
    If there is a discrepancy between this comparison and the plan contracts, the plan contracts will govern.

                                         Option 1:                    Option 2:                    Option 3:
        Plan Option
                                      HMO Best Buy                 PPO Standard                PPO $3,000 H.S.A.

        Choice of Doctors              In Network Coverage   PPO In and Out of Network Coverage   PPO In and Out of Network Coverage
        Hospitals:                        (You Pay)                   (You Pay)                     (You Pay)

         Doctor Office Visits          $25 copay for PCP              $20 copay                 Deductible then 100%
         (primary care physician or    $35 copay for specialist
         Deductible                     $1,000 / $2,000              $0  in-network                              $3,000 /individual and $6,000 family
         (per plan year)                                        $1,000/$2,000 out of network   combined in and out of network
         Hospitalization          Deductible then covered at 100%   $150 day surgery            Deductible then 100%
                                                                     $250  in-patient
         Preventive Care                  $0 copay                     $0 copay                      $0 copay

         Urgent Care                     $25 copay                    $20 copay                 Deductible then 100%

         Emergency Room                  $125 copay                   $150 copay                Deductible then 100%

         MRI, CT Scan, PET Scan   Deductible then covered at 100%    Covered in Full            Deductible then 100%

         •  Inpatient             Deductible then covered at 100%     $250 copay                Deductible then 100%
         •  Outpatient Surgery    Deductible then covered at 100%     $150 copay                Deductible then 100%

         Out of Network Coverage   Only In Network Coverage besides    Out of  Network Coverage    Out of  Network Coverage
                                      an emergency event.      You Pay 20% of the cost, after    You Pay 20% of the cost, after
                                                                      deductible.                   deductible.

         Out of Pocket             Medical: $3,000 per individual   Medical: $2,000 per individual   Medical and RX:
         Maximum                             $6,000 per family            $4,000 per family     $6,550 per individual/
         (per plan year)                                                                         $13,100 per family.
         Prescription Drugs                                                                  Medical Deductible Applies First

         (up to a 30-day supply)
         •  Generic:                     $15 copay                    $15 copay                $15 copay after deductible
         •  Preferred:                   $30 copay                    $30 copay                $30 copay after deductible
         •  Non-Preferred:               $50 copay                    $50 copay                $50 copay after deductible
         •  Specialty                      $100 copay                  $100 copay               $100 copay after deductible

         (up to a 90-day supply)
         •  Generic:                     $30 copay                    $30 copay                $30 copay after deductible
         •  Preferred:                   $60 copay                    $60 copay                $60 copay after deductible
         •  Non-Preferred:                 $150 copay                  $150 copay             $150 copay after deductible
         •  Specialty:                     $300 copay                  $300 copay              $300 copay after deductible

       Employee Contributions Per Pay Period

                                     HMO $1,000 / $2,000            PPO Standard                   PPO $3,000
              Employee Only               $115.94                     $144.02                        $52.79
               Employee +1                $231.88                     $288.05                       $179.73

            Employee & Family             $347.82                     $432.07                       $269.59
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