Page 7 - Northbridge Companies 2018 OE Guide_Fomatting corrections (002)HLD
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Be A Smart Consumer

        Making Your Medical Plan Decision
        Northbridge Companies provides you with choice in your
        medical benefits, so you can select the plan that will best
        suit your needs.  The type of benefit plan you choose
        should be based on your general approach to health
        care, your needs and your budget.  Before you make
        your choices, we suggest you follow the steps below.

          1. Evaluate your needs:
           Think of your personal needs for the upcoming year.

          •  In the event of a catastrophic event, how well could you handle   Get More From Your Benefits
            your portion of unexpected medical expenses?
          •  Are there services you are likely to need in the future?  Which   You can get more from your benefits, just by
            plan would best cover these?                                   making smart decisions.
          •  Are you covering dependents, or will you add dependents this     Preventive care check-ups are no cost to
            year?  What are their needs?                                       you!  Take care of yourself and get your
                                                                               annual preventive screenings.

                                                                             Ask for generic medications.  Generic
                                                                               drugs are equivalent to brand-name drugs
          2. Compare the costs:                                                in dosage, safety and strength but cost
           Insurance costs are made up of more than just monthly               less, because they don’t have the develop-
           premiums.  Consider the following components, and try to            ment costs of new drugs.
           estimate your expenses and premium costs under each plan.
                                                                             Use the online wellness resources and
          •  Premium:  What you pay monthly for coverage.                      discounts available through your medical
                                                                               insurance company.
          •  Deductible:  The portion of expenses you must pay before the
            plan will pay for most non-preventive services.
          •  Copays:  A flat dollar amount you pay for specific services (your
            deductible is usually waived for services that have copays).
          •  Member Coinsurance:  A set percentage of the cost for cov-
            ered services that you are responsible for paying.
          •  Out-of-Pocket Maximum:  The maximum amount you are
            liable for each year under the plan.

          3. Compare the plan features:
           Review each plan for its coverages and limitations.

          •  Refer to the insurance company’s plan descriptions for more
            details on each plan.
          •  Consider the advantages of the Health Savings Account.
          •  Human Resources if you have questions.

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