Page 2 - NSM Pre-Work
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Preparing for NSM Sessions – Pre-Work Assignments

        In preparation for the Product session activities during the NSM, you are required to complete the following pre-work.
        This pre-work will be used during the “live” product sessions. The information regarding Key Marketing Messages,
        Product Superiority, Managed Care, and Overcoming Objections is provided in this flipbook to assist you with your

        Please review the information on each product and the pre-work instructions carefully for your sales channel. If you
        have any questions, please contact your Sales Manager.

          Instructions Lab:

             1. Identify an account for each of the three products in that you plan to visit after the NSM to
                 target for a growth opportunity.
             2. Create a new event on the Account Detail– select Pre-Call Plan as the “record type”.
             3. Set the “start date and end date” as Feb 1, 2017 – this can be changed later based on when you plan to visit
                 the account.
             4. “Subject” will be: NSM Crizal Target, NSM Varilux Target, and NSM Transitions Target.
             5. Fill out all fields in the Pre-call plan document using the key messaging and recommended
                 questions/responses you learned.
             6. Once completed, select “Control P” on your key board to print the document (bring all 3).
             7. Bring the printed Call Plans to the NSM to use during the session.
             8. Using your 2017 bottom up forecast from your September workshops, please select your 10 Best Customer
                 Targets for each product- Varilux, Crizal, and Transitions (total of 30) that you will be executing immediately
                 following the NSM. These will also be used for planning during other breakouts.
                     a. For your Varilux Targets, Identify 10 each for your Q1 focus.  Once you have them chosen, set in-
                        office appointments, with 5 to be held during the month of January.
                    b. For your Crizal Targets, Identify 10 each for your Q1 focus.  Once you have them chosen, set in-office
                        appointments, with 5 to be held during the month of January.
                     c. For your Transitions Targets, Identify 10 each for your Q1 focus.  Once you have them chosen, set in-
                        office appointments, with 5 to be held during the month of January.

         Instructions (Brand):
             1. Identify an account in that you plan to visit after the NSM to target for a growth opportunity for
                Crizal® no-glare lenses.
             2. Select the “Contact” you will be meeting with and create a “New Event”, record type- “Brand Event”.
             3. Set the “start date and end date” as Feb 1, 2017 – this can be changed later based on when you plan to visit the
             4. “Subject” will be: NSM Crizal Target
             5. “Call Type” will be Explore Office Partnership Sales Aid
             6. Fill out all fields in the Pre-call plan document using the key messaging and recommended questions/responses
                you just learned for Crizal® no-glare lenses.
             7. Once completed, select “Control P” on your key board to print the document.
             8. Save the “Event”
             9. Bring the printed Call Plan to the NSM to use during the session.

        Internal Use only. Do not Distribute
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