Page 6 - NSM Pre-Work
P. 6


          Recommended question(s) and responses you can leverage during Sales Conversations:

                          Questions                                     Responses

                    What are your patient’s vision and   “When a patient chooses a progressive lens, they
                    performance expectations when      are looking for a lens that will provide clear vision
                    they choose a progressive lens     through ALL distances – as close to natural vision
                    solution? How do you know what     as possible. This is the number one criteria a
                                                       presbyope will use when judging how well their
                    those expectations are?”           eyewear is performing.  If a progressive meets
                                                       the above criteria well, the patient is happy, will
                                                       return to repurchase, and will recommend
                                                       progressive lenses to others.  If their lens does
                                                       not provide sharp near vision, they will likely
                                                       search for other solutions including going to
                                                       another practitioner. By providing Progressive
                                                       lens products that can exceed their expectations,
                                                       you increase the likelihood that the patient will
                                                       come back to your office to purchase vs. never
                                                       coming back and purchasing somewhere else. "

                    What are your patient’s product     “By recommending Varilux lenses and being
                    expectations when they ask about    a Varilux Expert, you will be able to provide
                    Varilux or progressive lenses in    your patients a thorough understanding of
                    general?                            how no other progressive lens other than
                                                        Varilux can meet their visual demands.”

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