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P. 7


                                     Varilux progressive lens Product Superiority

      Key Marketing Messaging:
      Varilux progressive lens wearers experience better vision. This is because Essilor Varilux progressive lenses provide a more
      complete solution to the loss of near vision that everyone eventually experiences.  Regardless of what the competitive
      message is, the response of “Why Varilux is superior” comes down to the major benefits that are exclusive to Varilux
      progressive lenses:

           Sharp vision at all
           distances- even in low
           light.  No other
           progressive lens
           manufacturer employs
           patented W.A.V.E.
           Technology 2 to         Smooth transitions
           identify and eliminate   from distance to
           aberrations which       near. No other
           decrease sharpness.     progressive lens
            No other progressive   manufacturer
           lens will provide the   employs patented        Elimination of the “off-
           sharpness of vision     SynchronEyes            balance” feeling. No
           provided by the core    technology to           other progressive lens
           Varilux designs.        calculate the lenses    manufacturer uses the
                                   as a pair designed to   patented and unique
                                   work together.  No      front shape (called
                                   other lens allows       Nanoptix) used for        Smart Blue Filter
                                   the eyes to work        Varilux S Series lenses.    feature is included
                                   together and            No other lens will reduce   for free on all core
                                   transition between      the off-balance feeling   Varilux products and
                                   distances as            experienced due to        Varilux DRx
                                   effortlessly as         changes in magnification   products. No other
                                   Varilux Physio W3+      across the lens.  Varilux S   progressive lens
                                                           Series provides the       includes protection
                                                           sharpest, smoothest,      against Harmful Blue
                                                           most confident visual     Light that is built in
                                                           experience available in a   and virtually clear at
                                                           progressive lens.         no cost to the
                                                                                     practitioner or

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