Page 8 - NSM Pre-Work
P. 8
Recommended question(s) and responses you can leverage regarding
Varilux Product Superiority:
When recommending a progressive to your patient, “Varilux progressive lens wearers experience better
what is the vision goal or outcome you would like for vision, which reinforces a lasting positive perception
them to experience? of their ECP. This is because Varilux lenses provide a
(You should get them to consider the following: more complete solution to the loss of near vision
What could this mean, how would it reflect on their that every patient eventually experiences”.
practice, what are the risks if the patient’s needs are
not met?) “Essilor invented the progressive lens back in 1959
and continues driving research and development to
ensure the lenses that carry the Varilux Brand
How do you build staff confidence and thus, patient remain at the forefront of technology. This allows
trust in your progressive lens portfolio? you, your staff, and the patient to have confidence in
the vision and benefits that these lenses will
“Varilux lenses allow you to provide your patients
How does your current offering differentiate your with sharp vision at all distances - even in low light,
practice from the competition and allow your smooth transition from distance to near, elimination
patients to experience better vision? of the off-balance feeling that wearers experience
with other brands, and the ability to provide them
Please share with me your understanding of how protection from harmful blue light at no cost. These
different progressive lenses perform and how you are benefits that the competition cannot provide in
ensure your staff is trained on the available their progressive lens offerings.”
How does your patient differ from one that would “Varilux is the most recognized brand of progressive
typically purchase their eyewear from a mass on the market, and your patients expect that you
merchandiser (optical retailer)? carry the highest quality of Brands.”
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