Page 23 - NSM Pre-Work
P. 23
Recommended question(s) and responses regarding Transitions superiority:
Questions to ask Recommended Responses
What challenges “We understand that you have experienced these
have you challenges and your concerns regarding photochromic
experienced when lenses. With the new technologies in Transitions lenses,
recommending your patients can experience fast-dark–even in hot
adaptive lenses to ?
weather or behind a windshield. They allow you to
differentiate your practice by giving your patients comfort
in all lighting conditions, convenience, and adaptive
protection from Harmful Blue Light. In practices where
Transitions technology is leveraged, patients are more
likely to be completely satisfied allowing for practice
growth through patient retention and satisfaction since
many patients are willing to buy Transitions than you
might think, especially if you take the opportunity to
present the product and the benefits.”
What key features and
benefits do you review “Bring to their attention the key features and benefits of
with your patients when Photochromic lenses that they don’t mention such as the
discussing Photochromic fact that the technology and features have improved
lenses? significantly over the past few years- many patients don’t
realize this.”
How do you “Within the Transitions family of lenses, there is a
determine when to solution that will benefit each and every patient. They are
recommend a available in the largest selection of materials, design, and
photochromic to colors which allows you to offer solutions for every unique
your patients? patient need, prescription and daily visual activity.”
What prohibits you from “Discuss the objections they verbalize and reinforce the
offering Transitions as the key features and benefits of Transitions lenses.”
primary pair of eyewear to
your patients?
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